Copyright (c) 2010 Chris JonesHaving a suddenly ruptured cyst ovarian, the primary symptom is excessive bleeding. It may seem quite alarming to experience strange bleeding that isn't part of your menstrual period or a pregnancy.Women should not fret when bleeding occurs or think immediately that this is a symptom of ovarian cancer: it's not. Bleeding does not result from ovarian cancer because cancerous cysts don't react like that. The bleeding has to do with benign ovarian cysts, but it can become dangerous when it worsens and there is excessive blood loss. While ruptured cyst ovarian symptoms can be quite scary, try to avoid panic.Should you experience excessive or unusual bleeding, don't hesitate to proceed directly to the hospital for help. Find a good gynecologist and hospital, because if there is a big problem with excessive bleeding, a blood transfusion and maybe even surgery is necessary. This heavy bleeding could be a sign that a cyst twist is happening, which will bring even more complications to the already-sick patient. Inflammation of abdominal tissues could also result, which may worsen the patient's condition possibly result in excrutiating pain in the pelvis and abdomen. It could also possibly lead to a case of torsion, which inhibits normal blood circulation. Ruptured cyst ovarian can be only one of many causes for a great amount of blood loss.Surgery, cauterizing, medications, and natural treatments are some of the options for getting rid of a ruptured cyst ovarian in the body. When cases are bad enough for surgery, the doctor will advise the patient to have an operation as soon as possible. This immediate action can keep the cyst from being serious and threatening to the patient and her family. If a doctor only recommends the patient to have the bleeding cauterized, if an operation is not necessary or advisable, don't be alarmed. This technique is not dangerous: it's fixed by laser in order to destroy tissues and stop hemorrhaging. For cysts that are intact (have not ruptured), medicines can be used to safely avoid a disaster.In most cases, a ruptured cyst ovarian problem occurs during a woman's childbearing years or immediately after, as they're about to begin menopause. Hard as it may be to believe when it's happening to you, there usually is nothing to be overly concerned about. Because these cysts aren't malignant or cancerous, they seldom require much medication to fix. The ruptured cysts can be removed, and have been known to disappear without the need for treatments or surgery.