Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Ayurvedic Approach In Arthritis Treatments

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the natural health science or traditional medicine, which has got its name from Sanskrit meaning €the knowledge of life€. It is the oldest and continuously practiced form of health care system in India. It has been recognized by World Health Organization as one the complementary medicine.

Ayurveda has treatments for almost all diseases, which include arthritis, constipation, hypothyroidism, diabetes, infertility, gastritis, obesity, ulcers etc. Let us know about arthritis and its treatments.

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a disease, which is very common among older people. It is a joint disorder, which involves inflammation and the affected joints will tend to get pain and loss of movement.

Arthritis Treatments

There are many ways to treat this ailment. Let us find out about the natural therapy or Ayurveda for arthritis treatments. Ayurvedic treatment for arthritis mainly highlights on digestion of Ama and reduces the amount of vata in the body. Meanwhile, the pain can be reduced with the help of ayurvedic herbs.

The following points can help in treating arthritis

€ The most effective way of arthritis treatment is through fasting. Fasting can be done once or twice a day, which helps in digesting Ama in the body.

€ It is good to follow a proper diet chart with proper nutritive foods for joint pain treatment. It is advisable to avoid fried foods, sweets and spicy items, which cause gas, acidity and constipation.
Coffee, Tea and Yoghurt can be consumed in moderate quantities.

€ Skeletal pain can be reduced by eating Pomegranates and gooseberries, which are rich in vitamin C.

€ Avoiding fish, meat, curds, pulses, cabbage, spinach, cauliflower, pumpkin and broccoli can help arthritis treatments.

€ Eating rice can be substituted with wheat, buckwheat and maize.

€ Black pepper, coriander, cloves, cinnamon, cumin and fennel are the useful spices, which can help in the joint pain treatment.

€ Meditation and simple exercises can help in reducing the pain.

€ The volume of the Vata and pain can be reduced by massaging the affected joints with anti vata tailas such as Dhanwantharam, Karpasasathyadi and Kethakeemooladi.

€ Turmeric is useful for arthritis, which can be used internally and applied on the painful joints of the body as well.

€ The joint pain treatment can be effective with the consumption of Licorice, which is an anti-inflammatory substance.

€ Boswellia which is called as Salai guggul in India is an effective medicine supporting the flexibility and normal functioning of the joints.

€ The arthritis pain and rheumatism can be decreased with the use of celery seeds, which contains more than 20 anti-inflammatory compounds.

€ The extracts of Hog weed (Punarnava in India) roots and leaves contain anti-inflammatory properties. The Hog weed oil can be applied externally and a hot plaster of the hog weed root is good for arthritis treatments.

€ The joint pain therapy can be made beneficial with the help of horse chest nut tree bark paste. It is high in aescin and has anti-inflammatory properties, which can be used in treating joint pains. The oil extract from the seeds can be used to massage the affected joints.
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