Health & Medical Mental Health

Natural Remedies For ADHD In Children - Why These Are A Much Better And More Effective Solution

Imagine your cell phone rings when you are in the shopping mall.
As you answer it, you are able to focus on that one task.
You have also successfully filtered out all the other sounds, stimuli and other chaos which reigns around you, unlike your child with ADHD.
In considering natural remedies for ADHD in children, we have to look at what is the best treatment for this diffused attention span and how best we can help children overcome this disorder.
Now related to this attention problem where all the sights, sounds and smells come at a child in a rush, we also have the problem of the malfunctioning executive capacity in their brains.
This simply means that they cannot organize tasks, put things in order or remember to do things.
We just take this for granted but the child with ADHD is struggling with defects in this function and that is why homework takes so long and why some tasks are never finished.
Now the psychostimulants such as Adderall and Ritalin which are prescribed by the ton across the nation, cannot really address these issues at all.
There may be temporary relief from symptoms and parents notice with great joy that their ADHD child is:- * more attentive * less distracted * remembers things better than before * is able to stay on task longer.
The only problem is that in the long term, these results are not going to last at all.
Lots of research at the University of Buffalo and at the University of Florida show that after three years, the effects of these drugs begin to wear off.
Unless the parents and the teachers have put in place some long term strategies and some better treatment options, results will be very varied indeed.
What are the natural remedies for ADHD in children? There are many natural remedies and the main advantage is that there are no side effects and their long term results are just far superior to any psychostimulants or non psychostimulants such as Strattera.
Behavioral therapy or simply effective parenting skills can help a child with ADHD to get on top of tasks, distinguish bad behavior from good and also acquire some social skills 2.
Herbal and homeopathic remedies have been shown to be equally effective as the psychostimulants.
There are no side effects and the long term health risks are nil.
Diet and green time activities have been shown to be just as effective in calming hyperactivity and also in increasing attention span.
Now that is much healthier option than swallowing some pills.
It also teaches the child through practical examples what healthy eating really means.
The benefits are enormous and are a life time education in healthy eating.
These then are just a few examples of how natural remedies for ADHD in children can actually produce much better and lasting results.
Now, don't you owe it to your child to take a look at my website and find out how easy all this is going to be for you? You will be pleasantly surprised.
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