Health & Medical Women's Health

Natural Remedy For Yeast Infection

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to talk about yeast infections, so I'm just going to jump right in.
Until a few years ago, I chronically suffered from severe yeast infections.
I had all the typical symptoms-perpetual fatigue, odors, irritability, discharge, joint pain.
After trying some over the counter medicine, and even visiting several doctors for prescription medication I still wasn't able to rid myself of my yeast infection.
It would temporarily go away only to flare back up at a later time.
I became so accustomed to my symptoms, I thought it was simply a part of my existence.
I began to live with it and it became "normal" to me.
After I realized that doctors and over the counter medicines weren't going to work for me, I began to research possible yeast infection remedies on the Internet.
Be warned, there is some bad advice out there.
Some yeast infection remedies actually recommend using boric acid-a toxic substance that is poison and has even caused death (I guess that's one way to get rid of your yeast infection).
I'm tired of taking prescription medication.
For one it doesn't help.
It only seems to mask the symptoms, and two, my body seems to just build a tolerance after a while.
The good news is that after my experience I can honestly tell you that there are safe ways to treat a yeast infection.
There is no reason yeast infections can't be treated safely, effectively, and most importantly NATURALLY.
When I was looking for cures for a yeast infection, I was amazed at the vast amounts of information that's just floating around waiting for you to grab at it, but is any of it good?I can answer that with an enthusiastic, "no!"I looked around at Barnes and Noble and other book stores, but was just to embarrassed to buy a book in public.
Luckily, I found an e-book that changed my life and my health.
"Natural Yeast Infection Cures" is a great book filled with the information you need to recapture your health.
It is available as an e-book and also in audio book format so you can put it on your iPod or MP3 player.
It is well worth the $17 dollars and I would recommend it to any one.
For more information about "Natural Yeast Infection Cures" please visit my website.
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