Travel & Places Cruise Travel

Best Time and Place to Find Those All Important Cheap Cruises?

Many people will still argue that cruising is not cheap and looking at the upfront price of a cruise they would be correct.
However when you add up what's included in the price, the exceptional value of cruising then comes to the fore.
With the boom in the cruise market the product does seem to be speaking for itself.
So the main and important question is where are the best places to get these all important cruise deals and the best time of year? The cruise industry has two main sales dates.
The first is just after the New Year and this period is called WAVE.
All of the cruise lines like car dealers offer discounts and incentives for you to purchase their goods.
These incentives could include, FREE Upgrades, onboard spend, Car Parking and some cruise lines will even offer free children's places.
During Wave period the cruise lines will go all out to get your business with multimillion dollar advertising in National papers, online and now some of the big players such as P&O and Royal Caribbean are advertising on TV.
The other big time to get the best prices is when their new season is launched.
Cruise lines like to get beds sold early and like the WAVE period they will offer incentives to encourage you to book often up to two years in advance.
Some of the cruise lines also say launch prices are the best prices that you will ever pay for this cruise.
Invariably this is correct apart from when they have sailings that are not selling very well.
If these are not selling on the required weekly rate to fill the ships the cruise lines will then put these cruises into what they call the late market.
Here the prices will be reduced but the customer will not know their cabin number and could be situated anywhere on the ship.
Late markets normally come out 12 weeks before departure and if you are not fussy when and where you go this is when the best time is to bag yourself a bargain.
So where do you find these late deals? Searching around the internet is always a good place to start but some of these deals are exclusive so you won't often find the website where they are being advertised.
Many of the best deals end up on Travel zoo which is a website aggregator and checks the validity of the deal to make certain it is the best in the market.
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