Business & Finance Corporations

Does Your Home Business Have Goals In Place? A Must Have!

Do You Have Some Goals In Place to Take Your Home Business Into The Future For Years? Today is the day to maybe focus on your home business goals,if you are considering a home business or have one going, then goals are part of the very beginning.
I would like to share with you a true story involving some of natures creatures, and yes they had goals.
This is what actually took place almost every day.
The home I lived in a few years ago had some squirrels and birds.
One of those birds was a blue jay..
Now if you do not know what a blue jay is, they can be pesky at times but also very smart with a long beak and usually blue and black color feathers.
I loved to watch them but then I realized they both had a plan.
I got friendly enough to the squirrels, as I sat on the deck and they would accept peanuts from me.
As soon as one got the nut he would scamper off in the yard some place and find a spot to bury it for a future meal.
[Never figured out if they really knew where it was buried later] Any way this blue jay had been following the squirrel around enough he figured out what he was doing and so his goal now was to get that nut.
He watched the squirrel bury the nut and as he went for another,the blue jay would hop down and with his beak dig up the nut and off he went and that was his goal accomplished.
He would miss a few as he was busy eating the tasty nut and the squirrel had another one buried..
Now you might say what has that got to do with a business? well it says goals can be reached if we figure out how we are going to make them materialize.
In other words they are roadmaps.
Setting goals may be one of the hardest phases of any business, but also is essential.
I am still trying to stick to my goals and unless one is very dedicated then we tend to get detoured and makes them harder to reach.
Choose a home business you perhaps know something about already or maybe a hobby that would be most likely to bring an income to your bank account, or if you do not know yet then make a list of ideas you may like and then do some searching online on each idea and see what the competition may be.
Above all do not fall for all the hype out there as nothing that will make you prosperous overnite.
You will need to have you caution signals going as you do this.
There are many very reputable companies and business that you can check and get training, mentoring,tools to use for products or affiliate marketing.
You also may find some one to help you with their advice or experience just make sure they are reliable.
Once you have taken this step, now is the place to set some goals.
You will need short term and long term, so here goes another list.
Write down all the things you would want to change from your present situation, to what you would want to change or accomplish in the next 6 mos.
a year then 5 years and so on.
Most everyone has dreams and some act on those and others just keep dreaming, which category do you fall under? 3.
Now that you have them down on paper choose the ones you want to accomplish first, and then decide how you are going to reach that goal.
The squirrel knew he needed to eat later on so he figured out to bury it for a future meal,The blue jay followed the squirrel long enough he figured out how he would get the treasure the squirrel stashed away.
I am only making a point that if you have a plan in place you can reach it by what ever means that will work for you.
Every day something around you changes also and you must be willing to make adjustments but just come up with what you want in life that you can change, and as changes take place you will need to adjust also.
There is always a way to reach a goal, you just put your thinking cap on and come up with a map.
Ever hear the saying" There is more than one way to skin a cat".
not literally, but there is more than one way to reach goals,if one doesn't work then try a different one.
Now that perhaps you have chosen the home business or work from home, making money from home etc, you wish to do and have set some goals now is time to check how you will do this.
There again you may want to search out how and what to call your home business, your domain and this is important as in the future those search engines will need find you so choose one that fits into your niche market.
Now once you are this far you do not need a website yet to begin, unless you want one.
There are affiliate programs and products online you can sell for others if you do not have your own.
This will take some more of your time to search, I did not do that and jumped right in and eventually found I was trying too much so had to start over.
As I had no clue as to what I was doing.
I am into the Affiliate part and no matter which one you choose you need visitors to see what you have.
Now the advertising part and the time work part comes into play.
Also funds as no business will survive without some funds.
A lot are free but at some point you will need to budget funds, and this is your choice.
This article is just some of my own thoughts and I have been working several programs and am still in the learning stage as one needs to learn as you go.
I know and believe anyone with the belief in themselves and determination to succeed you will.
Find the right niche and let the world know who and where you are.
My Affiliate programs is with Stone Evans and he has helped in all phases and it is still up to each individual to make it work.
I am a senior lady [USA] and am in a constant learning stage and so will you should you decide to take the leap.
Believing in yourself and that you can do what you set your mind to do, and do not give up.
I have already been to that point but then I get a renewed shot and keep going.
"Winners Never Quit" I hope this has given you something to contemplate on and maybe you would like to join me, I sure would like to have you.
If not take a look at my site and it will add a new link for the Google Creature.
If you care to see just what I am doing go to the urls provided and you may be surprised.
Success to you, Margie Sharpe
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