Timbuk2 Large Messenger Bags are loved by those who use them for their (rather extensive) roominess, ability to organize and ease of use.
There are a few different styles of messenger bags in the large size - here is some information to help you make the right choice: Large Classic Messenger Timbuk2 Bags - These are the bags based on the original design that has been around for going on twenty years.
This is a "tried and true" design to help students, travelers and other types of people to carry many items at once (even heavy) with relative ease.
Some of the "classic" messengers are equipped with a laptop computer bag pocket so can double as laptop bags.
Large Laptop Messenger Timbuk2 Bags - These are not only perfect for carrying a laptop around town safely and securely - but for carrying many other items as well.
There are some different styles for the large, including the "Outtawhack" 17" computer messenger and backpack with some extremely convenient features and plenty of organizational pockets.
(A rather amusing name for a great bag!) Large Commute Messenger Bags - These have fairly recently become quite popular, fully equipped for a laptop computer and much much more.
These are fairly "rare" in terms of merchants who carry them for sale online, but with a little digging I was able to find a great merchant - even with markdown sale prices.
No matter which Timbuk2 Large Messenger bag you are searching for, you can count on the highest quality, trendy stylish look and the ultimate in convenience.
They are one of the more worthwhile investments for those who carry many or heavy items on a regular basis.
There are a few different styles of messenger bags in the large size - here is some information to help you make the right choice: Large Classic Messenger Timbuk2 Bags - These are the bags based on the original design that has been around for going on twenty years.
This is a "tried and true" design to help students, travelers and other types of people to carry many items at once (even heavy) with relative ease.
Some of the "classic" messengers are equipped with a laptop computer bag pocket so can double as laptop bags.
Large Laptop Messenger Timbuk2 Bags - These are not only perfect for carrying a laptop around town safely and securely - but for carrying many other items as well.
There are some different styles for the large, including the "Outtawhack" 17" computer messenger and backpack with some extremely convenient features and plenty of organizational pockets.
(A rather amusing name for a great bag!) Large Commute Messenger Bags - These have fairly recently become quite popular, fully equipped for a laptop computer and much much more.
These are fairly "rare" in terms of merchants who carry them for sale online, but with a little digging I was able to find a great merchant - even with markdown sale prices.
No matter which Timbuk2 Large Messenger bag you are searching for, you can count on the highest quality, trendy stylish look and the ultimate in convenience.
They are one of the more worthwhile investments for those who carry many or heavy items on a regular basis.