Business & Finance Corporations

Social media platforms to boost your business

Every business must have ingenious marketing schemes in place to promote their product and gain customers. With so much happening online these days, it is imperative to have a social media presence in order to attract potential customers to your business/services. Here is a list of the most popular social media platforms, with tips on how to use them to boost your business.


Twitter is increasingly becoming one of the biggest social media platforms. It gives users the ability to follow friends and contacts and tweet their thoughts in 140 characters or less.

Twitter experts share their four top tips for maintaining your twitter presence:

1. Be committed.

Add a good photo, your URL and an interesting bio. Try to stand out and make sure the bio contains keywords so that others can find you.

2. Be consistent.

Show up each day and tweet. It's more important to do a small amount each day than lots one day and then nothing for a week or so.

3. Be interesting.

Try and tweet three kinds of messages: social chit-chat, the sharing of resources, links, tools, info, ideas and opinions; and tweets that answer questions to demonstrate your knowledge.

4. Be interested.

Engage and communicate with others by answering questions and joining in. Re-tweet (RT) other people's messages if they are of interest to you and your followers. It's not only about selling things but also about building your brand and credibility.


Facebook offers users the opportunity to share and communicate.

Having a Facebook page can help your business/service reach vast groups of people regularly, with messages tailored to suit their needs and interests. It also provides an easy web address to give out to customers on a business card or over email and most significantly, it's free of cost!

Facebook is also linked to various other social media platforms such as Instagram, Youtube and Twitter, making it convenient for you to integrate these services into your facebook business page.

Instagram for visual marketing.

Instagram allows you to take a picture or video and choose a filter to transform its look and feel. You can share your Instagram photos to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and others so it is a smart way to link your social media platforms. Instagram is a brilliant way to share pictures of your product, project or business. Users enjoy visual media online and it is the perfect way to stimulate audiences in a creative fashion.

YouTube for video marketing.

YouTube is a platform where you can upload and share videos with the public. YouTube allows billions of people to watch and share original videos. There is also a forum for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe. It can be used as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers.

And more:

There are many other social media sites such as Pinterest, Flickr and Tumblr. For a more professional connecting site you could use LinkedIn.

Here are a couple of techniques you can consider using on your social media accounts:


Pictures never fail to capture the audience's attention. Providing breaks between chunks of text can give the reader time to stop and think about your most important ideas or concepts. Pictures can make line after line of text more vibrant and visually stimulating. Adding pictures to your post is also a clever way to improve your SEO.


Making videos could be a beneficial way to visually stimulate your audience. You could provide a brief free webinar to promote the services you provide or create a funny video about your company to inspire audiences. You can also take advantage of using a video to present your company logo and website in a visually startling way that users are more likely to remember.
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