Although it may sound like a plumbing disaster, a low flush toilet, also called a low-flow toilet, is actually a good thing for the environment, and your wallet too. Think of all the times each day that you flush the toilet, and all the water that literally goes down the drain-3.5 gallons per flush for a standard toilet, and about 20 gallons total each day. That's a lot of wasted water! A low flush toilet uses only 1.6 gallons per flush, cutting your water-wasting in half and saving up to $100 per year on your water bill.
Low flush toilets hit the market in 1994. Consumers initially balked at this new invention, which clogged often and didn't always flush clean. Despite their bad rap, these toilets have come a long way. They're also pretty affordable, and it's possible to get a very efficient single flush toilet for under $100. Some toilets are even more efficient than the government requires. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the WaterSense label program (similar idea as Energy Star) to encourage manufacturers to increase efficiency by 20 percent over the law's requirement.
If you have an older home and the bathrooms haven't been renovated, you likely have antique toilets that flush at full volume. It's time for an upgrade! Overwhelmed trying to choose the right low flush toilet for your bathroom? Check out plumber Terry Love's excellent toilet reviews. However, if your budget doesn't allow you to purchase a modern model just yet, buy a conversion kit to turn your old toilet into a low flush toilet for under $40.
Low flush toilets hit the market in 1994. Consumers initially balked at this new invention, which clogged often and didn't always flush clean. Despite their bad rap, these toilets have come a long way. They're also pretty affordable, and it's possible to get a very efficient single flush toilet for under $100. Some toilets are even more efficient than the government requires. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the WaterSense label program (similar idea as Energy Star) to encourage manufacturers to increase efficiency by 20 percent over the law's requirement.
If you have an older home and the bathrooms haven't been renovated, you likely have antique toilets that flush at full volume. It's time for an upgrade! Overwhelmed trying to choose the right low flush toilet for your bathroom? Check out plumber Terry Love's excellent toilet reviews. However, if your budget doesn't allow you to purchase a modern model just yet, buy a conversion kit to turn your old toilet into a low flush toilet for under $40.