Business & Finance Finance

Does Your Family Struggle With Using a Family Budget Worksheet? Here Are Some Alternatives

Do you struggle with a family budget worksheet? Is it hard to stay on top of your finances? Don't worry, you are not alone.
There are a lot of families who struggle to live within a budget.
Some don't even try.
Some try every new budgeting program available.
If you are reading this article, it means you are at least one of the proactive ones who is looking for a good solution.
Let me suggest 5 good, free sources for budgeting.
The guys at Intuit are at it again and have created a wonderful tool for helping individuals and families track their finances.
Their unique and highly secure site enables you to keep track of your spending, set up budgets, shows you how you measure up to your budget, gives you suggestions, and has the ability to set up alarms for you on your financial accounts on any suspicious activity.
This is a very user friendly site and works very well for budgeting.
Another good tool to look into is called Wesabe.
This is another online application that does a lot of what Mint.
com does, but they have added a community touch to it.
They say that they "believe that one person's good financial decision can be leveraged to an entire community.
Experts call this collective intelligence.
And we have a whole community of people reaping the rewards of it every day.
Find solutions to your money problems...
you're not alone in wanting a better financial life.
" In doing some research I have found most users feel like their user interface is not as friendly as Mint's.
Still a good tool.
One of the more popular personal finance tools, Quicken has recently become a free online tool to compete with the other free applications online.
Quicken has been around for a while and has many useful applications.
Not as well known, but very good online application to help you with your budgeting needs and it does so much more.
To finish off the list, Geezeo is another new online tool that is free, like all of these suggestions.
If you find it difficult to fill out worksheets every month, or have a hard time finding a good routine to stay on top of your finances, I recommend you check out these sites and find the one that will work for you.
You can take control!
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