It is very important to inform your business associates, vendors, and customers when you are relocating your business. You can inform them by writing a letter or e-mail that you are moving your business and by writing to them you are taking time to ensure that your business and customer base doesn't get affected in a negative way due to this move. This will ensure that the transition of the business will go smoothly without any hassles.
Following are the things that you need while relocating:
€ Different versions of relocation letter
€ Details of Relocating
€ Customer and business contacts
Here are few tips to write the relocation letter -
1. Make a list of people who will be affected due to the relocation of business. This list should include vendors, banking institutions, customer base, lending institutions, utility companies, credit card companies, advertisers, local, federal, state agencies that regulate business taxation and commerce.
2. Write letters to each group in a different style so that your letter would be more personalized. For instance, letters to the customers should highlight your commitment to retain them in your business in future, but a letter to the government agency should be formal, short, and to the point.
3. The letter should include all the information regarding the relocation like old and new address of business, new office telephone number, and its effective date. You letter should be simple and clear and you can map your new business location, especially to your customers.
4. If you do business through internet like selling products and service, then a copy of the relocation letter has to be posted on your website. This is a very cheap, easy, and effective way to give information to the people about your move.
5. Commercial removal companies are a specialized service company who deal with business or corporate move and will be able to collect an accurate mailing list of your business. For a fair amount, they will compose a letter, print it, and also send it over to your customers.
6. Before 3 weeks of your move, send a relocation letter to everybody. With this, you will give sufficient time to everyone to do their adjustments and this should have a minimum interruption in your business.
Announcement of your business relocation in a newsletter is a brilliant way to inform everyone. By this, you can avoid writing letters and emails to different individuals who are in contact with your business. It will also help you avoid people getting missed out in the move.
Following are the things that you need while relocating:
€ Different versions of relocation letter
€ Details of Relocating
€ Customer and business contacts
Here are few tips to write the relocation letter -
1. Make a list of people who will be affected due to the relocation of business. This list should include vendors, banking institutions, customer base, lending institutions, utility companies, credit card companies, advertisers, local, federal, state agencies that regulate business taxation and commerce.
2. Write letters to each group in a different style so that your letter would be more personalized. For instance, letters to the customers should highlight your commitment to retain them in your business in future, but a letter to the government agency should be formal, short, and to the point.
3. The letter should include all the information regarding the relocation like old and new address of business, new office telephone number, and its effective date. You letter should be simple and clear and you can map your new business location, especially to your customers.
4. If you do business through internet like selling products and service, then a copy of the relocation letter has to be posted on your website. This is a very cheap, easy, and effective way to give information to the people about your move.
5. Commercial removal companies are a specialized service company who deal with business or corporate move and will be able to collect an accurate mailing list of your business. For a fair amount, they will compose a letter, print it, and also send it over to your customers.
6. Before 3 weeks of your move, send a relocation letter to everybody. With this, you will give sufficient time to everyone to do their adjustments and this should have a minimum interruption in your business.
Announcement of your business relocation in a newsletter is a brilliant way to inform everyone. By this, you can avoid writing letters and emails to different individuals who are in contact with your business. It will also help you avoid people getting missed out in the move.