Companies like Blue Cross and Blue Shield must stay competitive especially with the upcoming changes in the health care system. By offering better coverage, they can still compete with what the government will be offering. There are also hot issues around abortion and Medicare that the government will have to deal with before anything can be passed. A health insurance company can take advantage of whatever market the government leaves behind.
No one knows what will be decided about health care, but when decisions have been made, companies, like Blue Cross Blue Shield will have to make some changes as well to stay competitive with the government's new plans. This may at first sound like a daunting task but really it won't be nearly as difficult as one might first think. Blue Cross Blue Shield has been competing with other health insurance companies for a long time now. They are used to updating their plans to stay ahead of the competition already. Something must be working too because they are one of the biggest health insurance providers in the United States.
The government does not yet know what its standing on abortion coverage in the new health plan will be. The conservatives hate the idea of abortion already. Offering no coverage however will have a whole different group angry. Companies do not have to please anyone but their customers however. A large company, like Blue Cross Blue Shield, can choose to cover abortion costs however their directors please. If Blue Cross Blue Shield finds that most of their customers would prefer it to be covered then they can do so without any repercussions. If there are more conservatives on the board of directors and they choose not to offer coverage, then customers are free to stay or leave. It all depends on how the company feels.
Something Blue Cross Blue Shield is already used to, is offering plans with Medicare benefits. Medicare is an area that will be changing but already having some previous experience with handling Medicare will be a big advantage. Many seniors are upset that they may get rid of some of the Medicare options that they like the most. There's even a rumor going around that the government is going to drop Medicare entirely. This is not true but they definitely are going to cut some options out. When this does happen, then a company, like Blue Cross Blue Shield can then take advantage of that market and offer plans with those options.
No one knows what will be decided about health care, but when decisions have been made, companies, like Blue Cross Blue Shield will have to make some changes as well to stay competitive with the government's new plans. This may at first sound like a daunting task but really it won't be nearly as difficult as one might first think. Blue Cross Blue Shield has been competing with other health insurance companies for a long time now. They are used to updating their plans to stay ahead of the competition already. Something must be working too because they are one of the biggest health insurance providers in the United States.
The government does not yet know what its standing on abortion coverage in the new health plan will be. The conservatives hate the idea of abortion already. Offering no coverage however will have a whole different group angry. Companies do not have to please anyone but their customers however. A large company, like Blue Cross Blue Shield, can choose to cover abortion costs however their directors please. If Blue Cross Blue Shield finds that most of their customers would prefer it to be covered then they can do so without any repercussions. If there are more conservatives on the board of directors and they choose not to offer coverage, then customers are free to stay or leave. It all depends on how the company feels.
Something Blue Cross Blue Shield is already used to, is offering plans with Medicare benefits. Medicare is an area that will be changing but already having some previous experience with handling Medicare will be a big advantage. Many seniors are upset that they may get rid of some of the Medicare options that they like the most. There's even a rumor going around that the government is going to drop Medicare entirely. This is not true but they definitely are going to cut some options out. When this does happen, then a company, like Blue Cross Blue Shield can then take advantage of that market and offer plans with those options.