Search engines are a backbone of the internet organization. Actually maybe that's the oxy-moron part is that there is not really an organization to all of the sites out there. you get an address, and that's yours with now mashed out there with a bunch of other sites. If you are typing in an address and are off by even one or two letters, or instead of, then you could be directed to content completely opposite of what you were trying to locate. The interent is an intangible space with little boundaries or form.
That's where search engines are important to us. you can type in what you are looking for, one or a few key words, and then the search engine will come back with a large list of sites that they think relate to your interest. They are ranked with supposedly most relevant at the top, on down. Not many people make it past the first page of results, which would be 10-12 or so. Any results coming up on the 10-20th pages have no chance to be looked at. The search engines are very important in helping us find a site, company or information. They scan all registered pages online and try to match your key words. If you are more specific in your search terms it should result in a better match list.
There are a lot of ways to search the web. There are big search engines that scan all of the web. These include sites like Webkruz, Google, Bing, and Yahoo Search. They all run things fairly similarly. Google and Yahoo Search are staples of the searches. They have been around for awhile and most of the users are familiar with them. Bing was launched in the last year and is run by Microsoft, as a new innovation of the traditional search. Webkruz is also just on the market. The first three list things in a top to bottom series of brief descriptions about the site and the URL. The URL is the web address that you can type in the address bar. However, the fourth, Webkruz, runs things a little differently. This search brings up screen shots of the potential matches so you get a little glimpse of what one might be right. They are also categorized in a few groupings of similar destinations within the keywords that scroll horizontally across the screen. So if you are looking for dogs, then the potential subgroups may be types of dogs, training dogs, or dog health. Then, within each subgroup would be screenshots of sites. These are just examples; if you went to then you would see what I'm talking about. Anyway, all of these major search engines are used by going to their main page. Go to, or similar for Yahoo search or Bing. When you get to these pages, there will be a blank search field where you can enter the description of what you are looking for, and the results will all come up as the program scans all of the websites available.
Another type of search is a site-specific search. Often within a large website there will be a search bar that will search that entire site itself for the possible matching pages. For example, if you are on a site that sells products, you can search their site for a specific product that you want to find from them. The search bar for this kind is usually found on the home page of a site at the top right corner.
For some occasions, you might need to use search giants like Webkruz, and then once you find the right place you want to go, you can use a site-specific search from there.
That's where search engines are important to us. you can type in what you are looking for, one or a few key words, and then the search engine will come back with a large list of sites that they think relate to your interest. They are ranked with supposedly most relevant at the top, on down. Not many people make it past the first page of results, which would be 10-12 or so. Any results coming up on the 10-20th pages have no chance to be looked at. The search engines are very important in helping us find a site, company or information. They scan all registered pages online and try to match your key words. If you are more specific in your search terms it should result in a better match list.
There are a lot of ways to search the web. There are big search engines that scan all of the web. These include sites like Webkruz, Google, Bing, and Yahoo Search. They all run things fairly similarly. Google and Yahoo Search are staples of the searches. They have been around for awhile and most of the users are familiar with them. Bing was launched in the last year and is run by Microsoft, as a new innovation of the traditional search. Webkruz is also just on the market. The first three list things in a top to bottom series of brief descriptions about the site and the URL. The URL is the web address that you can type in the address bar. However, the fourth, Webkruz, runs things a little differently. This search brings up screen shots of the potential matches so you get a little glimpse of what one might be right. They are also categorized in a few groupings of similar destinations within the keywords that scroll horizontally across the screen. So if you are looking for dogs, then the potential subgroups may be types of dogs, training dogs, or dog health. Then, within each subgroup would be screenshots of sites. These are just examples; if you went to then you would see what I'm talking about. Anyway, all of these major search engines are used by going to their main page. Go to, or similar for Yahoo search or Bing. When you get to these pages, there will be a blank search field where you can enter the description of what you are looking for, and the results will all come up as the program scans all of the websites available.
Another type of search is a site-specific search. Often within a large website there will be a search bar that will search that entire site itself for the possible matching pages. For example, if you are on a site that sells products, you can search their site for a specific product that you want to find from them. The search bar for this kind is usually found on the home page of a site at the top right corner.
For some occasions, you might need to use search giants like Webkruz, and then once you find the right place you want to go, you can use a site-specific search from there.