Health & Medical Mental Health

How to Help a Friend With an Addiction Problem

    Help a Friend Overcome Addiction

    • 1). Stage an intervention to help someone overcome an addiction, as recommended by the Mayo Clinic. Start an intervention by forming a group of friends/family who are all concerned about the person suffering from an addiction, and begin planning. Talk with each other and gather information about the extent of the person's addiction, the background of the person at hand.

    • 2). Plan the intervention based on what you know about the person and his or her addiction. Choose an appropriate time, date and location for the intervention to take place. Discuss the message you want to convey, the treatment plan you'll offer the person, and what you will do if the person does not change his or her behavior. Keep everything discussed among the group confidential.

    • 3). Write down what you will say during the intervention, and have the other members of the group do the same. Include specific examples of how the addiction has negatively affected the life of your friend and your own life. Be up front, but come from a place of love, illustrating that you want to help, and that you know the person can succeed.

    • 4). Get your friend to the intervention site without letting him know about the intervention. Upon arrival, take turns sharing your thoughts and feelings about your friend's addiction. Then, present your friend with a treatment plan that has already been decided upon. If the friend does not agree to treatment, share how you will change your actions and attitude toward that person as a result.

    • 5). Help your friend follow through on the treatment (assuming he agrees), and provide support and encouragement. If your friend did not accept the plan, be sure to change your actions and behavior toward the person as you said you would during the intervention.

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