Oh, the holidays—parties, gift exchanges, visits to friends and families and a general spirit of good will. What better time to reflect on the past year and those that have helped make it interesting and rewarding through unselfish efforts. What a great time to say Thank You!
Thank You cards are simple messages of appreciation and easy to send. The sentiment printed on the front says it all but a short note and your added signature make it extra special. Here are several examples of when a simple Thank You card would be appropriate and appreciated.
Holiday Parties. The holiday season is filled with celebration and formal and informal gatherings. It is fun to get together and toast the holidays with friends and family but easy to forget that someone went to effort to pull the festivities together. Surprise that hard working individual by following up their effort with a personal Thank You card. Just the thought that you remembered them is certain to bring joy to their holidays.

Holiday Visits. During the holidays friends and family may travel some distance to visit each other. Maybe it is just a quick visit or it could be an overnight stay. If you were the one being visited, send a Thank You card to let that person know you appreciate the efforts they went to to come for a visit. And, if you were the one that made the trip, send a Thank You greeting card to show you appreciated their hospitality.
Holiday Gifts. This is perhaps the most obvious but probably the most overlooked holiday form of etiquette- the gift Thank You card. Consider the time and effort made to select, wrap and present the perfect gift. A Thank You card is the least you can do to truly express your appreciation. We all learned how to write "Bread and Butter" Thank You notes in elementary school. Continue the tradition by encouraging your children to send Thank Yous for their received gifts. And, don't forget to set a good example by sending Thanks of your own. And, no, a quickly dashed off email is just not the same!

Corporate Appreciation. Holiday cards are great for sending seasonal well wishes but what customer or client wouldn't be genuinely charmed by a Thank You card from your company thanking them for their business during the past year. Appropriate any time of the year, Business Appreciation Cards shows your appreciation and ensures continued customer loyalty. Don't forget to thank your business associates and internal employees as well for their efforts during the past year.
General Thanks. With budgets tight, monetary gifts may not be possible, but a Thank You card is an affordable show of appreciation that lets someone know you care. Promote the holiday spirit by sharing Thank You Cards with those you see on a regular basis. Wouldn't it be fun and an unexpected pleasure to present your mailman, sanitation worker, grocery store cashier and others with Thank You Greeting Cards during the holidays?
The list of those deserving of thanks can be endless. This gesture of appreciation is one that will not soon be forgotten by you or by the recipient. Why not spread holiday cheer this year by presenting or sending Thank You cards to everyone you just informally say thanks to. The effort is minimal, affordable, and is certain to brighten anyone's day.
Carry a few personalized Thank You cards with you at all times and present them unexpectedly to someone helpful as a formal show of appreciation. Just the look on the recipients face will be a joy to behold this holiday season or anytime of the year!
Thank you!
Thank You cards are simple messages of appreciation and easy to send. The sentiment printed on the front says it all but a short note and your added signature make it extra special. Here are several examples of when a simple Thank You card would be appropriate and appreciated.
Holiday Parties. The holiday season is filled with celebration and formal and informal gatherings. It is fun to get together and toast the holidays with friends and family but easy to forget that someone went to effort to pull the festivities together. Surprise that hard working individual by following up their effort with a personal Thank You card. Just the thought that you remembered them is certain to bring joy to their holidays.

Holiday Visits. During the holidays friends and family may travel some distance to visit each other. Maybe it is just a quick visit or it could be an overnight stay. If you were the one being visited, send a Thank You card to let that person know you appreciate the efforts they went to to come for a visit. And, if you were the one that made the trip, send a Thank You greeting card to show you appreciated their hospitality.
Holiday Gifts. This is perhaps the most obvious but probably the most overlooked holiday form of etiquette- the gift Thank You card. Consider the time and effort made to select, wrap and present the perfect gift. A Thank You card is the least you can do to truly express your appreciation. We all learned how to write "Bread and Butter" Thank You notes in elementary school. Continue the tradition by encouraging your children to send Thank Yous for their received gifts. And, don't forget to set a good example by sending Thanks of your own. And, no, a quickly dashed off email is just not the same!

Corporate Appreciation. Holiday cards are great for sending seasonal well wishes but what customer or client wouldn't be genuinely charmed by a Thank You card from your company thanking them for their business during the past year. Appropriate any time of the year, Business Appreciation Cards shows your appreciation and ensures continued customer loyalty. Don't forget to thank your business associates and internal employees as well for their efforts during the past year.

General Thanks. With budgets tight, monetary gifts may not be possible, but a Thank You card is an affordable show of appreciation that lets someone know you care. Promote the holiday spirit by sharing Thank You Cards with those you see on a regular basis. Wouldn't it be fun and an unexpected pleasure to present your mailman, sanitation worker, grocery store cashier and others with Thank You Greeting Cards during the holidays?
The list of those deserving of thanks can be endless. This gesture of appreciation is one that will not soon be forgotten by you or by the recipient. Why not spread holiday cheer this year by presenting or sending Thank You cards to everyone you just informally say thanks to. The effort is minimal, affordable, and is certain to brighten anyone's day.
Carry a few personalized Thank You cards with you at all times and present them unexpectedly to someone helpful as a formal show of appreciation. Just the look on the recipients face will be a joy to behold this holiday season or anytime of the year!
Thank you!