A friend of mine and I were talking about some landscaping projects that we wanted to finish before the start of winter, and the topic turned towards solar lights.
Now, I am the type of person to really pay attention to the details of the details of others' homes and have seen solar lights on quite a few occasions.
Usually, the ones that I had seen were fairly mundane looking "path lights".
Now they weren't bad looking really, They just didn't seem to be the kind of lights that I would want showing off my landscaping.
See, I don't have a fabulous house or anything, nor am I made of money.
I do, however take pride in the appearance of my house - especially the outside.
I wanted to upgrade some of the path lights I had, but I was not looking forward to digging and running wires, etc...
Keeping that in mind, I decided to research solar lights a bit more.
I was surprised with what I found.
First of all, I found that solar lights are not nearly as expensive as I thought.
For a little over $60, I was able to get a set of nice solar path lights that looked nice and did a great job of lighting the front walkway to my home.
I checked them the first night and they were on and burning just beautifully.
When I awoke at 5:00 the next morning to go to work (I hate Mondays!), they were still burning just as brightly as before I went to bed! The amazing thing is that all that light added exactly $0 to my electric bill! Another great thing is that once I got them out of the packaging and assembled them (about 5 minutes a piece), I had them installed in less than an hour.
Let me rephrase that.
The installation took 5 minutes.
The rest of it was moving this one a little to the left, that one back a smidgen, etc.
What I am getting at is that I did no digging, no running of wires...
I just pushed them in the ground where I wanted them.
The rest was my obsession with exact symmetry.
Now, I am the type of person to really pay attention to the details of the details of others' homes and have seen solar lights on quite a few occasions.
Usually, the ones that I had seen were fairly mundane looking "path lights".
Now they weren't bad looking really, They just didn't seem to be the kind of lights that I would want showing off my landscaping.
See, I don't have a fabulous house or anything, nor am I made of money.
I do, however take pride in the appearance of my house - especially the outside.
I wanted to upgrade some of the path lights I had, but I was not looking forward to digging and running wires, etc...
Keeping that in mind, I decided to research solar lights a bit more.
I was surprised with what I found.
First of all, I found that solar lights are not nearly as expensive as I thought.
For a little over $60, I was able to get a set of nice solar path lights that looked nice and did a great job of lighting the front walkway to my home.
I checked them the first night and they were on and burning just beautifully.
When I awoke at 5:00 the next morning to go to work (I hate Mondays!), they were still burning just as brightly as before I went to bed! The amazing thing is that all that light added exactly $0 to my electric bill! Another great thing is that once I got them out of the packaging and assembled them (about 5 minutes a piece), I had them installed in less than an hour.
Let me rephrase that.
The installation took 5 minutes.
The rest of it was moving this one a little to the left, that one back a smidgen, etc.
What I am getting at is that I did no digging, no running of wires...
I just pushed them in the ground where I wanted them.
The rest was my obsession with exact symmetry.