Health & Medical Mental Health

Concussion Symptoms May Slow Down the Brain and Hasten Up Decline

Either minor or serious head injury could still result to the speeding up of brain aging according to the research conducted by concussion experts and researchers. When the brain is under jeopardy, the pathways of signals are also tormented to breakdown in a far quicker way. When there is an abnormality in the signals, the breakdown of the brain cells and tissues are also rushed.

Lately, University of Michigan School of Kinesiology conducted a research among the student respondents. They have observed that even students without concussion have the same fate in terms of brain development€"electrical impulses are declining when they grow old.

The changes in the impulses of a normal and concussed brain are following the same degree of course according to the research. The determining factor is time. After approximately 6 years, the concussed brain will suffer in the decrease of electrical responses. Decrease in the responses means the brain is being slowed down. This is a very natural occurrence among concussion victims. As the victim is getting old, the head trauma is also getting worst so as the low responses. Old victims have very slim chance of recovery.

When you have concussion symptoms, it does mean that you will have post concussion syndrome or Alzheimer's disease in the end. Doctors are saying that the patient should not panic because it could be healed; the fastest recovery period is within 3 weeks. Before the therapy, brain imaging and mapping are needed to point out where is the damaged part. Damaged parts are easy to track because brain that is concussed has low electrical responses. Brain scanning and mapping are done by CT and MRI scans.

Treatment could be fast depending on the age, gender and sex of a person. Kids with concussion are faster in terms of recovery. Older patients are responding slowly so they have slimmer chance of getting their normal lives back. Avoiding the consumption of alcohol is important because it slows down the treatment process of the brain.

It is important that brain boosting vitamins like C and D are well supplied to the brain. These types of vitamins could be provided by the concussion supplements so it is important to take them. Exercise will also help as long as it is not excessive for it will stress the brain of the victim.

When the pathways and signals of the brain are disturbed, abnormalities could be observed. concussion symptoms will always affect the victim so the right treatment and emotional support should be given by the family.
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