- 1). Open the “Includes” folder in your Joomla source files and locate the file named “footer.php.” If you do not have a copy of your Joomla install on your computer, you will need to use your FTP program to transfer the “/includes/footer.php” file from your website host to your computer for editing.
- 2). Right-click on the “footer.php” and choose “Open With” from the menu.
- 3). Choose to open the file using Wordpad or Notepad.
- 4). Locate the line in the file that reads “// NOTE - You may change this file to suit your site needs” followed by the symbol “?>”. All the text that follows the symbol can be edited to change the way your website footer appears.
- 5). Remove the default text and add your own text to the PHP file.
- 6). Save the changes to your document once you have completed your modifications.
- 7). Use your FTP program to upload the changed “footer.php” into the “Includes” folder of your Joomla installation on your website host.
- 8). Open your Joomla webpage in an Internet browser to view the changes to your Joomla footer.