- 1). Find the best route to your destination. Choose a route that has attractions along the way so that the kids will have a fun time during the car trip. Good attractions for kids may include state parks, historic monuments or fun parks. Make sure the route you choose has plenty of small towns and cities along the way---you never want to be too far from a bathroom when you travel with kids.
- 2). Get a map and accurate directions. Getting lost isn't much fun even without kids, but a road trip with kids can turn into a real disaster if you get lost. This is no time for "feeling your way."
- 3). Reserve lodging before you start out on your road trip. Make sure the lodging is in a location that you will reasonably be able to reach. You do not want to drive well into the night to reach a destination, since most kids will fall asleep in the car and be none to happy to be awoken in the middle of the night to go into a hotel. Be sure to choose kid-friendly lodging with playgrounds and breakfast included.
- 1). Have everything that you will need for the kids on the road trip in an easily accessible location in the car so that you won't have to stop the car and open the trunk each time you need something.
- 2). Pack at least one extra pair of clothes for each child per day. Messes should just be expected on a road trip with kids, so be prepared.
- 3). Store towels for cleaning up spills and accidents underneath the seats.
- 4). Bring plenty of baby wipes for both diapering needs and for cleaning faces, hands and small spills during the road trip. Hand sanitizer is also a good idea, especially after using public restrooms along the way.
- 5). Pack a small bag of toys for each child. Bring several small toys, books and stuffed animals, and if the child has a special "lovie" or other item, be sure to have that accessible. You may want to have a few new toys to pull out as surprises during the road trip.
- 6). Bring plenty of kid-friendly, "no mess" snacks like crackers, pretzels and fruit snacks. Pack a small cooler with plenty of juice boxes, water bottles or sippy cups.
- 7). Bring several plastic bags for trash accumulated during the road trip. Toss food wrappers, empty drink boxes, dirty baby wipes and dirty diapers in the plastic bags until you can stop and throw it in a trash can.
- 1). Plan on stopping every two hours during a road trip with kids. Ideal stops include rest areas or other areas with public restrooms and a little room to stretch and run around.
- 2). Stop to eat. While it's tempting to just run through a drive-through, kids really need time to eat and run around at meal time. Pack a picnic lunch and stop at a roadside park or playground, or stop at a kid-friendly fast food spot with a playground.
- 3). Try not to rush. Everything will run much more smoothly if you allow kids all the time they need at stops to go to the restroom and stretch their legs.
- 4). Play games, sing songs together and try to make your road trip with kids a positive and memorable family experience.
Make a Plan
In the Car