Health & Medical Mental Health

How to Conquer Your Fears - Helping Yourself in Eliminating Fear and Anxieties in Life

No matter how brave you think you are, you still have some fears.
You may not admit it, but for sure you do have some.
It can be a fear of rejection, being old, dying, getting cancer, or being alone.
Some are afraid of heights, the dark, enclosed places, driving, or public speaking.
Dealing with all these fears separately will only make you feel exhausted.
How to conquer your fears starts with identifying what your fears are.
Most of your fears usually involve the unknown so you can only face them if you know what they really are.
After identifying your fears, building up your inner strength comes next.
This is to help you effectively cope with your fears and confront them.
Another way on how to conquer your fears is by developing your self-confidence.
This is very important to bring back your feeling of self-worth.
You may not know it but lack of self-confidence can make you more fearful about a lot of things.
It can be destructive as well.
Building up a genuine self-confidence can be achieved by replacing negative feelings of unworthiness and failure by positive feelings of worthiness and success.
You will learn how to conquer your fears if you face the bottom line of your fear and try to figure out what is the worst thing that can possibly happen.
You will be surprised to find out that you can actually relax more than getting worried about the unknown.
Nurturing your friendships is also helpful in overcoming your fears because they can give you additional strength and hope in confronting any adversities that may come your way.
Real friends are the best medicines in treating unhappiness.
  Another effective tip on how to conquer your fears is by spending more time with positive people to influence you with their positive thinking and behavior.
These people will give you all the support and encouragement you needed.
After learning the things that can help you on how to conquer your fears, you should also learn the things that you should avoid in order to succeed in overcoming your fears.
A negative language that creates fear and anxiety should be avoided.
Instead of regarding your problems as struggle, consider them as an adventure.
Rather than being passive and weak, be active and strong.
In short, do not over dramatize your minor problems.
Do not allow your fear also to become an aggression.
Covering up your fear by being aggressive is not a healthy way of dealing with your fears.
To defeat your fear and overcome helplessness, you must do something to take back your power to control your life.
It is less frightening when you go through your fear and realize that you can actually come out of it safely.
When you know you can deal with whatever life has to throw you, you can get more out of life than you can imagine.
But you can't be completely free from worries and fears.
Some of them have actually a rational basis.
They only become destructive when misinterpreted and exaggerated.
So you have to learn the right ways of dealing with them.
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