Technology Programming

Learning the Basics Computer Programming

When you already have knowledge in a programming, you can apply what you have learned by writing source codes. Source codes are a collection of instructions written using programming languages. These source codes are in the form of full texts. It is readable to both human and machine. Before the computer can fully understand your code, it has to undergo to two more processes, parsing and compiling.

These two processes are done by an interpreter, a compiler. Compiler is a computer program made using assembly language. The main task of a compiler is to collect and translate the set of codes so that the computer can understand the commands. Parsing involves breaking up of codes into smaller parts. Codes are divided into classes or parts. These parts are read by the machine one by one according to order the programmer sets. After parsing, the interpreter will now compile the codes. After compiling, you can now execute the commands. It can be as simple as displaying a plain text and as complex as the features of Facebook.

Now that you already know the basic computer programming terminology, you can now start to write your own source codes.

How and where on earth can you find these compilers?

Compilers vary from one programming to another. For example, java programs can be compiled using Netbeans or Jcreator. C# and, on the other hand, use different programs in compiling and creating source codes. It can be compiled using Visual Studio and your MS Excel. MS Excel programs are very useful especially when you are doing repetitive actions like solving. You can also create a program using MS Excel that has an interface with buttons and textboxes.

Why are there many programming language?

These programming support different types of programs. PHP is a programming language used in making web sites. There are some properties and capabilities that PHP does that no other programming language can. CSS is another programming language that is used in websites. If PHP is used in providing transactional commands, CSS provides you comprehensive choices of commands primarily for designing the website. CSS gives you the ability to customize the design of your website like editing the font style, color, type, etc.

I have chosen the programming language that I want to use, now what?

Once you have chosen the programming you want to use, you have to gather the necessary resources that you need. Decide on what project you want to create. For starters, you can start with a simple word display or simple addition and subtraction. Once mastered the basics, you can now start with a more complex program.

What are the tools I need before I can program?

Programming does not require you to have lots of tools and items before you can start. A simple as a computer with an internet connection will do a lot of help. If you are new in programming, you will need many reviews and tutorials online. Find a tutorial about the programming language that you choose. Make sure that you have decided the right programming language for the software that you want to create. You can also find good books regarding programming. Most books and include codes with explanations. You also need a compiler for the specific language that you chose. One good example of a compiler is readily installed in ever PC - the notepad.
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