Health & Medical Mental Health

Stop Panic Attacks Now With This Simple 5 Step Plan

When you want to stop panic attacks quickly and naturally, it's important to get the key aspects of your life in order.
One of these key aspects that you must ensure is in good shape is sleep.
There's a problem, though.
When you suffer with panic and anxiety, it can often be hard to shut your mind off when you're lying in bed for long enough to drift off.
You'll be lying there, desperate to get the kind of quality sleep you know will help ease your anxiety, but your racing mind will make sleep impossible.
Thankfully, there's a quick and easy way to calm your mind when you first get into bed each night, and there's a good chance this will also help you to stop panic attacks too.
This method depends on two things: breathing, and counting.
Here's a step by step breakdown of what to do: 1.
As soon as you turn out the lights to sleep, focus on your breathing.
Begin taking controlled breaths.
Not deep breaths, which are stimulating, and not at all what you're after here.
Take controlled breaths.
Slowly in, slowly out.
When you've found a nice rhythm, you're going to start counting your breaths in groups of ten.
So breathe in, breathe out, count 1.
Breathe in, breathe out, count 2, and so on.
When you reach 10 complete breaths, return to zero and start counting again.
Continue this breathing/counting cycle for 5 to 10 minutes, or until you feel relaxed and calm, as if sleep is near.
This method achieves two things.
First, the slow, controlled breathing will relax you and place your body in an ideal state for sleep.
And second, the counting will distract your mind from any racing thoughts that might otherwise have kept you awake.
The combined effect of these two benefits will be the very best chance for you to drift off quickly and sleep throughout the night, and when your goal is to stop panic attacks, these benefits are very valuable indeed.
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