Health & Medical Mental Health

Treatments for Depression After Miscarriage


    • The most important treatment for depression after a miscarriage is the support of friends and family. It is necessary to surround yourself with those people who know you best. You need to be able to discuss your emotions now, your emotions when you experienced the miscarriage and even the emotions you experienced while you were pregnant.

      If you do not get the emotional support you need from your friends and family, then consider seeking out a local support group or an online support group of women that have been in your situation. It is important to be able to discuss your feelings with someone that has also been through it and gotten over the depression.


    • When suffering from depression, it is important to talk to a professional. They will know exactly how to help you deal with your depression following your miscarriage. While you may have the support of friends and family and possibly even a support group, it is a much different experience to talk to someone that is completely outside of your situation and can work through your personal experience with you. This is the job of a counselor and there is no better person to help you work through your depression.


    • Medication from the doctor may be what you need to get through this difficult time. A miscarriage is a case of situational depression and you will eventually get through it. Getting medication during this time of need will help you through the depression you experience after a miscarriage, but it does not mean you will need to be on the medication forever. Once you have dealt with your grief, then you will likely be able to discontinue the medication, also with the supervision of the proper doctor. Medication should always go hand in hand with therapy. So, make sure you have an appointment with a therapist or counselor to talk to while you are dealing with your depression following a miscarriage.

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