Health & Medical Women's Health

My Experiences With Hair Extensions

My first experiences with hair extensions began about 10 years ago.
Wigs and synthetic hair extensions were used by a small percentage of the population, according to my peer group and knowledge.
Wow how things have changed since then.
Having some theatrical experience as a teenager, I was familiar with people using wigs for performances, to create their characters.
Some women, including the Jewish culture use them for religious reasons, as many prefer not to show their natural hair.
Men at times also add hair pieces to add to their appearance, when experiencing hair thinning or hair loss.
About 10 years ago I was sick of trying to grow my hair, and it would never get any longer than 10cm longer than my shoulders.
Should I cut it, for a fresh new look? And if I did, would it ever grow back to that length.
I wished it my hair was fuller and longer.
When I was on a business trip I discovered a fantastic place that sold clip-on synthetic hair extensions, all curled and held on to my hair with a large clip.
This curl / wavy hair extension clipped-on like a pony tail, and added length and style to the back of my hair, once my natural hair was tucked up inside the clip.
The synthetic extensions held their curl, and have got a bit frizzy over the years.
They cannot be straightened or heat styled as they would melt, and also ruin my heat styler.
The other hair addition I got was a short wig, which I only wore once, as it was hot to wear, and that made it feel itchy on my scalp.
Not the best thing for a hot Australian climate.
Then a few years ago I discovered Loop micro link hair extensions, which attach onto strands of my hair, with a small micro bead that is clamped with pliers.
They are so gentle on my hair and don't use any glue or heat processes.
They feel so natural, and look great, blending with my natural head hair.
I also love how I can add hints of bold color underneath (or wherever I want), and it gently shows through when my hair moves.
Loop micro link hair extensions are great to wear for everyday use, plus for special events, and active, sporting lifestyles.
With some basic care and styling they are also so versatile, so you can have a new look in minutes.
I find it easiest to have a salon professional apply my loop micro links, and of course I appreciate their professional cutting, shaping and creative styling.
At the same time I also discovered clip-in hair extensions.
They come in different width sections of hair.
So you may have between one and four clips, along the length of hair, which are coated in silicone.
The silicone protects your hair from the clip and at the same time, secures the clip, so it does not move or fall out.
They are double weft (so you have more hair on the clip) giving you the fuller look that you want.
There is nothing worse than wishing you had more hair in your extensions once they are applied.
My full set of clip-ins, is always enough volume.
While you can heat style your clip-ins before or after adding them to your hair, I love to take mine to the salon, and have them professionally shaped and styled, ensuring I have a complete and professional look for that special day or function.
Unlike years ago when there were fewer options to add volume and length to our hair, we now have some great options that are also gentle on our hair and comfortable, with loop micro link hair extensions and clip-in hair extensions.
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