The primary goal of criticism is to correct an individuals' mistake, even though they find it hard to accept. At some point, you might encounter a person who wants to tell you that you must improve your work. You may feel a bit down, but the good thing about criticisms is that you can use these for your own advantage.
If you receive a criticism, this means that they want to give you a feedback regarding the thing you're doing for the company or perhaps for a person. Hence, giving you an opportunity to learn more about how to make them satisfied with your work.
Sometimes, the first thing that you have in mind when you receive a criticism is to get angry and negatively respond to someone who have commented your work. But before you get mad to the person that saw your flaws (for instance in writing), try to evaluate your content first before defending i. So how can you deal with it? Here are some tips:
1. Hide your anger and just burst them outside the building.
Yes, you can hide your feelings and one good way to accept criticism is to control your temper. Getting mad to your boss or to anyone who corrected your article will only make the situation worse.
2. Criticisms are sometimes true
There are times that negative feedbacks are taken personally, that's why it is not always true. Review your articles and check out for the advantages of your content and then talk to the person who made a comment on your work. In this way, he'll understand what is your main point.
3. Say €Thank You€
Even if you find it very hard as a web content writer to express your gratitude, it's still needed to keep you calm. Also, it will let help you avoid arguments. Sometimes, criticisms are not made to put you down, but this is done to help you produce a better output.
4. Be reminded that individual's have different taste
Even though if you find your write-up correct and error-free, it's always the decision of the editor if he will accept it or not. This is because he creates his own taste and only choose articles that will attract him the most.
5. Fix your articles
The most common mistake of every web content writer in a business process outsourcing Philippines are typographical errors. As much as possible, you need to read once again your article after you've written it. Proofreading is one way to correct the mistakes in your work. If people saw typographical errors in your previous work, then it's a sign that you need to re-check at least twice on your next articles.
6. People are just mean
Most of the time, there are individuals that love to make a person feel bad. These are people who cannot accept that there are people who are better than them.
7. Disregard personal attacks
Personal matters have nothing to do with your work. Keep up with your duty and ignore some personal criticisms that might hurt you. Letting these boil up in you will only make you unproductive.
8. Don't let criticisms stop you
Remember that all articles created by some legendary writers received several negative feedbacks, but that it has never become a reason for them to stop writing. This is only a part of a web content writer training and a way to improve your work.
9. Discuss your mistakes
This doesn't mean that you're going to defend your work. Discussing your mistakes is a way to clarify and elaborate what are the errors the proofreaders have seen.
10. Find your strengths
Look for the positive side of your articles. If you have received a number of negative feedbacks, then there are always the positive remarks. The positive feedbacks that you have read, heard or seen are your strengths.
Top web developers can also comment on your work because the articles will pass through them before it will be seen on a website. There's no way that you can escape criticisms, but try to look at the bright side - you're being criticized because you work hard for your article. Don't see this as a negative thing because a lot of people who listen to criticisms became successful.
If you receive a criticism, this means that they want to give you a feedback regarding the thing you're doing for the company or perhaps for a person. Hence, giving you an opportunity to learn more about how to make them satisfied with your work.
Sometimes, the first thing that you have in mind when you receive a criticism is to get angry and negatively respond to someone who have commented your work. But before you get mad to the person that saw your flaws (for instance in writing), try to evaluate your content first before defending i. So how can you deal with it? Here are some tips:
1. Hide your anger and just burst them outside the building.
Yes, you can hide your feelings and one good way to accept criticism is to control your temper. Getting mad to your boss or to anyone who corrected your article will only make the situation worse.
2. Criticisms are sometimes true
There are times that negative feedbacks are taken personally, that's why it is not always true. Review your articles and check out for the advantages of your content and then talk to the person who made a comment on your work. In this way, he'll understand what is your main point.
3. Say €Thank You€
Even if you find it very hard as a web content writer to express your gratitude, it's still needed to keep you calm. Also, it will let help you avoid arguments. Sometimes, criticisms are not made to put you down, but this is done to help you produce a better output.
4. Be reminded that individual's have different taste
Even though if you find your write-up correct and error-free, it's always the decision of the editor if he will accept it or not. This is because he creates his own taste and only choose articles that will attract him the most.
5. Fix your articles
The most common mistake of every web content writer in a business process outsourcing Philippines are typographical errors. As much as possible, you need to read once again your article after you've written it. Proofreading is one way to correct the mistakes in your work. If people saw typographical errors in your previous work, then it's a sign that you need to re-check at least twice on your next articles.
6. People are just mean
Most of the time, there are individuals that love to make a person feel bad. These are people who cannot accept that there are people who are better than them.
7. Disregard personal attacks
Personal matters have nothing to do with your work. Keep up with your duty and ignore some personal criticisms that might hurt you. Letting these boil up in you will only make you unproductive.
8. Don't let criticisms stop you
Remember that all articles created by some legendary writers received several negative feedbacks, but that it has never become a reason for them to stop writing. This is only a part of a web content writer training and a way to improve your work.
9. Discuss your mistakes
This doesn't mean that you're going to defend your work. Discussing your mistakes is a way to clarify and elaborate what are the errors the proofreaders have seen.
10. Find your strengths
Look for the positive side of your articles. If you have received a number of negative feedbacks, then there are always the positive remarks. The positive feedbacks that you have read, heard or seen are your strengths.
Top web developers can also comment on your work because the articles will pass through them before it will be seen on a website. There's no way that you can escape criticisms, but try to look at the bright side - you're being criticized because you work hard for your article. Don't see this as a negative thing because a lot of people who listen to criticisms became successful.