The knack of remaining relaxed in the midst of our busiest day is what has been called €alertness with no effort€-the essential experience of meditation. So even if you are convinced you have absolutely no time to set aside for meditation, you'll find plenty of techniques in this book that can be seamlessly integrated into your day.
Meditation is based on a simple understanding. That rather than fighting with darkness, which is impossible anyway, switch on the light. Rather than fighting with ourselves, trying to improve our selves, trying to live up to others' ideas of who or what we should be, we can start by simply accepting ourselves as we are now.
Osho often reminds people that if existence has invited them to be here, who else's permission do they need to accept themselves as they are? Once we relax into this acceptance, once we stop pretending to be other than how we are, once we stop struggling to impress others who are struggling equally hard to impress us- once we stop trying to defend ourselves, justy our selves€¦. Once we stop trying to hide our wounds, even from our selves, but rather open them to the air and the light, the healing happens on its own.
In this book you will read of calming the mind, of learning how this invaluable bio-comuter can be your greatest friend-and how to find the €off€ buttom. When you need the mind, you can use it. When you don't need, you can let it rest quietly ready for when you need it again free from its endless chattering quality.
Someone insults you. Imagine being able to choose when and how to respond, free from the usual knee-jerk reaction to strike back, creating those endless vicious spirals in which our relationships can slowly down.
And what of freedom? There is no greater freedom than to be that which we were meant to be. There is no greater freedom than to be free of others' expectations, to be able to live our lives spontaneously, with awareness.
And the ultimate paradox of meditation is that when we finally learn to love ourselves in fact only when we can love ourselves are we able to share that love with others. But first we must start with ourselves.
This book contains a wide range of techniques, approaches, and insight to help you on that journey. We are all individuals, and different methods suit different people. Here there is something for every type of modern mind, uniquely tailored for these hectic times.
Meditation is based on a simple understanding. That rather than fighting with darkness, which is impossible anyway, switch on the light. Rather than fighting with ourselves, trying to improve our selves, trying to live up to others' ideas of who or what we should be, we can start by simply accepting ourselves as we are now.
Osho often reminds people that if existence has invited them to be here, who else's permission do they need to accept themselves as they are? Once we relax into this acceptance, once we stop pretending to be other than how we are, once we stop struggling to impress others who are struggling equally hard to impress us- once we stop trying to defend ourselves, justy our selves€¦. Once we stop trying to hide our wounds, even from our selves, but rather open them to the air and the light, the healing happens on its own.
In this book you will read of calming the mind, of learning how this invaluable bio-comuter can be your greatest friend-and how to find the €off€ buttom. When you need the mind, you can use it. When you don't need, you can let it rest quietly ready for when you need it again free from its endless chattering quality.
Someone insults you. Imagine being able to choose when and how to respond, free from the usual knee-jerk reaction to strike back, creating those endless vicious spirals in which our relationships can slowly down.
And what of freedom? There is no greater freedom than to be that which we were meant to be. There is no greater freedom than to be free of others' expectations, to be able to live our lives spontaneously, with awareness.
And the ultimate paradox of meditation is that when we finally learn to love ourselves in fact only when we can love ourselves are we able to share that love with others. But first we must start with ourselves.
This book contains a wide range of techniques, approaches, and insight to help you on that journey. We are all individuals, and different methods suit different people. Here there is something for every type of modern mind, uniquely tailored for these hectic times.