Health & Medical Mental Health

Prostate Cancer - Asian Mushroom Boon to Prostate Health

The incidence of prostate cancer in the United States is rising at an alarming rate; an estimated 241,000 men will develop the disease in 2012 alone, and over 28,000 will die. Overall, in the Western world, 1 man in 6 will be affected by prostate cancer in his lifetime. On the other hand, for men living in Asian countries such as China, Japan and South Korea, the risk of developing a prostate tumor is less than 1 in 100. These noteworthy statistics have led medical researchers to look at various elements of Asian dietary and medicinal practices for answers.

Among the various botanicals that have proven anti-cancer and other disease-fighting properties, the Sang-Huang mushroom stands out for its efficacy in alleviating prostate issues, having been used in Asian countries for over a century in maintaining prostate health. In many Asian countries, dried and powdered Sang Huang mushrooms are frequently used in teas and other medicinal preparations formulated to promote men's health and prevent the occurrence of common prostate problems, including prostate cancer. Formulas containing Sang Huang mushroom extract or powder are highly recommended by Asian health proponents for supporting immune function and are widely touted in Japan, in particular, for their cancer-fighting ability.

Anti-Cancer Properties of Sang Huang Mushroom Extract

With evidence that the Sang Huang mushroom may be used effectively in treating prostate issues such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (or enlarged prostate), a group of researchers from the Harvard Medical School recently conduced a study on prostate tumors in experimental mice in order to determine whether an extract of the Sang Huang mushroom, or phellinus linteus, as it is known scientifically, also had an effect on prostate cancer cells. Their findings indicate that an injection of phellinus linteus, which has known anti-oxidant properties, was able to successfully reduce prostate tumor growth rates and led to an overall reduction in tumor size. Their research supports the belief that the phytochemicals contained in extracts of the Sang Huang mushroom may be beneficial in promoting men's prostate health.

Preventing prostate problems and other men's health issues depends on many factors, including making healthy lifestyle choices such as eating a diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol, engaging in physical activity, and maintaining a healthy body weight. Avoiding the use of tobacco products and keeping the consumption of alcohol to moderate levels can also help to keep the body's defenses working appropriately and minimize the risk of developing a life-threatening illness. In addition, the daily use of a dietary supplement containing phellinus linteus extract (health professionals recommend Prostate-pH), may provide additional prostate support. Men who are at risk for prostate issues due to family history or who are experiencing prostate problems should seek advice from a health care professional.

To read synopsis of university study on Sang Huang mushroom visit:
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