Technology Programming

Website Development Process PHP ROR Web Portal Wordpress Joomla Drupal CMS

Web Development Process

Internet has gained tremendous importance in every field. Every company owns its own website through which they describe their company's profile, their product range and also allows the viewer to buy the products online. These websites are also called as networking sites.There is also a concept called a database websites which is in great demand these days due to its importance especially for companies. 

Making a website is very easy these days and due to the presence of Drupalit has become even easier. There are certain processes which have to be followed for making a good website.   

Analyzing the business : 

The basic thing that anyone needs to do before developing networking sitesis analyzing the business for which the website is to be prepared. Only important data is to be posted on the websites so it is important to analyze before coming to a conclusion. 

Building requirements based on analysis :

Once the analysis of information is over then comes the need to judge the requirements of the websites. Requirements here refer to the type of design to be made, pages to be used, design and so on. It is advised for large companies to opt for database websitesin order to make maximum usage of the website for promoting their business.  

Designing and development :

In this process the actual website is designed and all the necessary data is posted on to it. One can also use Wordpress in order to make a attractive website in no time. PHPlanguage is used in developing the website. 

Content writing :

This also is one of the important aspects which can never be neglected while making a website. It is the content in the website that attracts the viewer so one should always see to it that the content that is to be posted in such site is unique and one which can easily attract the reader. PHPlanguage is used here also in order to post the content on such website. 

Coding and testing :

This department is in the hand of programmers and getting positive results here is very important to make a successful website. It is very important to test the website before it is started using as there are a number of components that can become faulty. Thus it's better to check them before using it.  

Maintenance and updating : 

After completing the website it is also very important to do a regular maintenance of such website and also updating it with the latest news. Drupalis one such software which can help you in the sameandone can easily maintain and update the website from time to time. One can also take help of CMS for the said purpose. Content Management system is a common way of updating the website. Joomla is one such CMSsoftware which is used frequently.  

One can also opt for Internet portal especially large sized firms should definitely go for it. Internet portalcan help such firms and companies in increasing their customer base within no time. Now one has all the necessary steps to develop, a website can start right ways with developing the one themselves.

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