So what do you do now that you cannot take two bags with you without getting charged for the second one? How do you get your golf clubs to your vacation destination for no charge? The new regulations that the airlines have come up with makes you have to shove everything into one bag that you can check.
Here is how to beat the airlines and get your airline travel for the right price.
First, you can use travel bags called space bags to pack with.
These bags allow you to pack about 5 times the amount of clothing you can get in one suitcase.
This will allow you to consolidate your clothing into your carry on or with another person that is traveling with you.
This will free you up to check your golf clubs or another bag for travel.
Second, you can check with greyhound to see what the price would be to ship your golf clubs to your destination.
Usually they can ship your clubs for a cheaper price than what the airlines want to charge for your extra bag.
You can also check rates of other shipping companies as well to see who can offer you the best deal.
Last, you can pack your clothes in with your golf clubs and with your carry on.
The airlines still allow you to carry on a small bag and a purse or laptop.
This gives you a small suitcase that you could get 3-4 outfits into and, then you can put the rest of your clothing in with your golf clubs.
This will save you money and space.
If airline travel continues to become more expensive we will have to go back to the horse and buggy route of travel.
Maybe that is a bit out there, but you will need to become more creative so that you can beat the prices that the airlines are trying to charge.
Here is how to beat the airlines and get your airline travel for the right price.
First, you can use travel bags called space bags to pack with.
These bags allow you to pack about 5 times the amount of clothing you can get in one suitcase.
This will allow you to consolidate your clothing into your carry on or with another person that is traveling with you.
This will free you up to check your golf clubs or another bag for travel.
Second, you can check with greyhound to see what the price would be to ship your golf clubs to your destination.
Usually they can ship your clubs for a cheaper price than what the airlines want to charge for your extra bag.
You can also check rates of other shipping companies as well to see who can offer you the best deal.
Last, you can pack your clothes in with your golf clubs and with your carry on.
The airlines still allow you to carry on a small bag and a purse or laptop.
This gives you a small suitcase that you could get 3-4 outfits into and, then you can put the rest of your clothing in with your golf clubs.
This will save you money and space.
If airline travel continues to become more expensive we will have to go back to the horse and buggy route of travel.
Maybe that is a bit out there, but you will need to become more creative so that you can beat the prices that the airlines are trying to charge.