Health & Medical Women's Health

Breast Enlargement Gum - Is This a Joke?

Breast enhancement gum is one of the latest over the counter options for those wanting larger breasts.
It does, however, share something in common with the miracle pills and creams questionable sources have been peddling for years--it doesn't make a great deal of sense.
If you want to chew gum, save yourself some money and invest in a pack of Juicy Fruit.
It'll taste better and will do just as much for the size of your chest as breast enhancement gum.
Let's look at the reality of breast growth for a moment.
Breasts don't grow because we chew gum.
If they did, women all over the world would smell like Bubble Yum.
Breasts grow because the body creates a combination of specific hormones.
Some people produce a great deal of those hormones and end up with large breasts by the time their halfway through junior high school.
Some of us, on the other hand, don't produce much and we end up...
Well, we end up reading and writing articles about miracle gums designed to increase breast size! So, the secret to breast growth as an adult is to trigger the body to produce the right hormones again.
That can be done by taking certain herbs.
Authorities on the subject argue that the ingestion of specific herbs in the right combinations can "persuade" our bodies to start making those hormones again.
Now, what's happening with the magic gum?They might claim that it contains the critical herbs.
However, these products generally do not contain the right herbs or the right combinations.
Additionally, a chewing gum is a one-size-fits-all-mouths proposition.
The experts will tell you that herb-based breast enhancement solutions need to be individualized.
Finally, you have to wonder why anyone would prefer to take the right herbs by swallowing a little bit of them with their saliva while chewing gum over ingesting them directly.
It is, obviously, incredibly inefficient.
If you want to increase the size of your breasts and you don't want to fork over boatloads of cash to an already-rich surgeon for a risky augmentation surgery, you do have a natural option.
That option, however, has absolutely nothing to do with breast enlargement gum.
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