Business & Finance Corporations

Do You Sabotage Your Success?

"Remember that winners never quit.
Success is not a stop sign.
Obey the law of compensation.
" - Robert Kiyosaki
The Law of Compensation and Its Corollaries Like many of the other 10 laws of the Universe, this is a very important law.
It supports the thought that whenever you put time and energy into something, especially if it matters to you, you are going to receive something positive back.
Compensation is most often associated with money but it really can be a universal energy awarded for participation, effort and contribution.
According to the law, the amount of money or good you receive in life is going to be in direct ratio with three things: 1.
The need for what you do, 2.
Your ability to do it, 3.
The difficulty there will be in replacing you.
So, in theory, people are compensated in like manner for that which they have contributed.
Your efforts do make a difference and however much or however little you do is important within this law.
Whether you are volunteering, working or working on relationships, this Law holds true.
Brian Tracy suggests in his book, 'The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success', that there are nuances to the Law and ways to enhance its application and your outcomes.
These actions include: 1.
Increase Your Value.
If you want to increase your compensation, you must increase the value of your contribution.
Looking at areas in your life that you want to enhance, ask yourself, have you taken a workshop, read a book, volunteered, stretched and learned something new? All of these small efforts make a difference in enhancing your value and cumulatively create the vision you wish to experience.
Fill Your Mind With Success Since your mental attitude, that is your feelings of happiness and satisfaction, are also the result of the things that you have put into your own mind, it is fair to say that what you think about manifests itself in your life.
It is challenging in our darkest moments or those filled with frustration and despair to contemplate that shifting thoughts, visions and ideas of success, happiness and optimism, can really result in your being compensated by those positive experiences in your daily activities.
Do More Than You're Paid For The Law of Compensation, sometimes known as the Law of Sowing and Reaping, is complemented by the "Law of Overcompensation.
" This law says that great success comes for those who consistently make it a habit to put in more than they take out.
Taking opportunities to exceed expectations, caring passionately about your outcomes and making this mindset a habit results in personal success and heightened esteem.
Provide the Causes, Enjoy The Effects It sounds rather simple but your job is to institute the causes that are consistent with the effects that you want to enjoy in your life.
When you do, you will realize and enjoy the rewards you desire.
The Law of Cause and Effect and its corollaries are defined as inexorable laws that always work.
It is your responsibility to implement them in your life and to align your expectations and beliefs to ensure the outcomes you desire.
When success seems to elude you or when you feel you may be resting on your laurels, it is important to remember the energy of life and these laws.
They are always in motion and can assist you in creating the life you desire.
As Robert Kiyosaki confirms, success is not a stop sign and winners never quit!
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