- 1). Familiarize yourself with the most common HTML codes. A list of some can be found at htmlcodetutorial.com/quicklist.html. A multitude of HTML dictionaries and reference materials can be found online and in bookstores.
- 2). Open up Notepad or a similar text-editing program. Using a PC, you can do this by clicking the "Start" button. Select "All Programs." Select "Accessories." Select "Notepad."
- 3). Every HTML document will start with the tag <html> and end with the tag </html>. All of the document's code must be contained between those two tags. Practice by typing some text and then using some font-altering codes to modify the text.
- 4). Save your text file as a .html file. To do this, click "File" from the menu bar and select "Save As...". Navigate to the folder that you would like to save to. In the "Save As Type" drop down menu, select "All Files." Name your file yourwebsite.html. You can change "yourwebsite" to anything you like as long as you keep the .html portion intact.
- 5). Navigate to where you saved your .html file. Double click on it to open it in your default web browser. You will not see the <html> tags or any of the code. You should see only the practice text that you wrote. If you did some font styling, you should see that displayed.
- 6). To edit your .html page, right-click the .html file. Select "Open With." Select "Notepad." This will allow you to edit the HTML code if you want to change it. Now you can play with HTML tags and see how things change on your page.