If you suffer an injury as a result from an accidental fall, road accident, or a sporting accident, you can make a claim for compensation. This system is designed to help you claim back any financial earnings you may have lost as a result of your injuries. You will either be entitled to make a claim for general damages or special damages. General damages will be applicable to emotional as well as physical injuries. The general impact the injury has had on your day to day life will be assessed. On the other hand, special damages are designed to be more specific, i.e. specific items you can pin point a cost to.
General damages explained in more detail
In assessing this type of claim, the amount of compensation you may be entitled to will be dependent on how much pain and suffering you have had to tolerate as a result of your injuries. For example, a whiplash injury can have a devastating impact on your life that can last for days, weeks, or even months. The amount of damages you receive will be calculated on the basis of how severe your injuries are.
The degree of the impact the injury has had on your everyday life will also be taken into account. Therefore, if your quality of life has been noticeably reduced, and you have suffered emotional pain, this will be taken into account. In the case of a whiplash injury, your solicitor will obtain details from your family and friends demonstrating the impact the injury has had on your everyday life. Whiplash injuries can often cause psychological problems for the claimant. These can vary from anxiety, frustration, and depression. . Â
Medical reports will be assessed to determine how long the pain sustained from the injury is likely to last, and suggestions will be made for continuing treatment. Once your solicitor has gathered this information, it will be easier to judge the amount of damages you can claim.
The amount of compensation you can receive for a whiplash injury is split into the following brackets:
750 to 2500 for insignificant cases where a full recovery can be made within 1 year
2400 to 4250 for cases where it is possible to make a full recovery within 2 years
4250 to 7750 for a slower recovery of more than minor whiplash symptoms with pain for a number of years
7750 to-750 for symptoms that are permanent
The above will be used as a guide in assessing the amount of compensation you are likely to receive.
Making a special damages claim
Special damages relate to losses that are more specific in their nature. Arguably, these can be easier to calculate as you can apply them to particular losses you have incurred as a result of your injury.    Special damages can relate to any loss of financial earnings. These can also include any potential loss of future earnings you may incur as a consequence of the injury. In some circumstances you may need to hire someone to help you recover. These expenses can also be covered in a special damages claim. Other costs that can be covered can include travel expenses, or payments for any medical treatment if you are recovering from an accident.
To make a claim for special damages, it will be very helpful to keep track of the different types of losses you have incurred, and where possible to keep the receipts. If you wish to make a claim, our solicitors will be able to advise you in your claim.
General damages explained in more detail
In assessing this type of claim, the amount of compensation you may be entitled to will be dependent on how much pain and suffering you have had to tolerate as a result of your injuries. For example, a whiplash injury can have a devastating impact on your life that can last for days, weeks, or even months. The amount of damages you receive will be calculated on the basis of how severe your injuries are.
The degree of the impact the injury has had on your everyday life will also be taken into account. Therefore, if your quality of life has been noticeably reduced, and you have suffered emotional pain, this will be taken into account. In the case of a whiplash injury, your solicitor will obtain details from your family and friends demonstrating the impact the injury has had on your everyday life. Whiplash injuries can often cause psychological problems for the claimant. These can vary from anxiety, frustration, and depression. . Â
Medical reports will be assessed to determine how long the pain sustained from the injury is likely to last, and suggestions will be made for continuing treatment. Once your solicitor has gathered this information, it will be easier to judge the amount of damages you can claim.
The amount of compensation you can receive for a whiplash injury is split into the following brackets:
750 to 2500 for insignificant cases where a full recovery can be made within 1 year
2400 to 4250 for cases where it is possible to make a full recovery within 2 years
4250 to 7750 for a slower recovery of more than minor whiplash symptoms with pain for a number of years
7750 to-750 for symptoms that are permanent
The above will be used as a guide in assessing the amount of compensation you are likely to receive.
Making a special damages claim
Special damages relate to losses that are more specific in their nature. Arguably, these can be easier to calculate as you can apply them to particular losses you have incurred as a result of your injury.    Special damages can relate to any loss of financial earnings. These can also include any potential loss of future earnings you may incur as a consequence of the injury. In some circumstances you may need to hire someone to help you recover. These expenses can also be covered in a special damages claim. Other costs that can be covered can include travel expenses, or payments for any medical treatment if you are recovering from an accident.
To make a claim for special damages, it will be very helpful to keep track of the different types of losses you have incurred, and where possible to keep the receipts. If you wish to make a claim, our solicitors will be able to advise you in your claim.