Travel & Places Travel Knowledge

Ways to Decrease Noise Levels


    • Sound is energy that causes vibrations to travel through the air. The air pressure changes of the vibrations are detected by your ears, making you able to hear sounds. When sounds become too loud or persistent, they are no longer considered pleasant and are called noises. Noise levels are unique in that one person may experience a noise as intolerable, while another may not. Sound is measured in decibels with a whisper measuring 30 decibels, an alarm clock measuring 70 decibels and a police siren measuring 120 decibels. Sounds measuring greater than 85 decibels can cause permanent hearing damage.


    • High noise levels cause hearing loss by damaging the delicate hairs that line your inner ear. Once damaged, these tiny hairs cannot be repaired and the damage is permanent. Hearing loss can be caused by prolonged exposure to noise or by one very loud noise, such as an explosion. Besides hearing loss, exposure to loud noise can cause high blood pressure, an increased heart rate, nausea or insomnia. Besides the physical effects of exposure to noise, it can interfere with concentration, productivity, communication and education.


    • Earplugs are foam stoppers worn inside the ears. Made of soft, expandable material, they work by preventing noise from entering your ear canals. Although sound is not completely blocked, earplugs decrease noise by 15 to 30 decibels. They cause no harm to your ears and can be worn with snug-fitting earmuffs, creating double the protection. Cotton balls are not effective for blocking noise and earplugs are only effective if worn correctly.

    Insulated Blankets

    • Insulated blankets are made of specialized vinyl and cloth materials. They are custom-designed to fit over machinery and other motorized equipment. Insulated blankets are sturdy and reusable and can reduce noise by up to 30 decibels, when used correctly.

    Foam Panels

    • Acoustic foam wall panels are used to absorb noise inside a room. Used to cover walls and ceilings, the panels can be wrapped in fabric to enhance their appearance, making them an attractive and practical option for noise control. Foam panels are a good option for music halls, conference rooms and gymnasiums.

    Barrier Curtains

    • Barrier curtains are moveable noise blockers made of specially treated vinyl and fiberglass. These mobile, cost-effective barriers are used to isolate noisy areas within a larger room. Barrier curtains work by acting as a partition around the noise source and can decrease noise by up to 20 decibels.

    Soundproof Rooms

    • Several design options of soundproof rooms are available. Soundproof rooms work by containing noise within the room and blocking outside noises from entering the room. Built for music studios, security facilities and product testing companies, specialized floors, walls and ceilings decrease noise levels in varying degrees, depending on your specific needs. Special noise-blocking doors and windows also add an attractive appearance to soundproof rooms, giving them the appearance of a standard room.

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