You have to succeed with social networking to become a successful internet marketer. People like to buy from those that they know rather than from a total stranger and that is why you require a high internet profile. It surprises me that so many would be online business owners ignore this source of free traffic because they either don’t understand it or are too lazy to take advantage of it. Anybody can run a business but only those who put effort in can run a successful business. This explains why more than 90% of people attempting to start their first online business are destined to fail. They may know everything it is possible to know about selling their chosen goods; some are even top salespeople of the same product offline and find it difficult to sell it online.
It all boils down to how high your online profile is and that is where social networking becomes part of the success equation. Having made the point earlier that people prefer to buy from those that they know it follows that if you wish to succeed online you must network like crazy. In the old days online you would give away an eBook or piece of software in exchange for an email address and a name and then you would make offers to people on your list. You’ve probably received countless emails from gurus offering methods to build your list because the “dollars are in the list.” It is probably still true to a certain extent but a great many people have had email addresses abused and inboxes clogged with unwanted mail that these days they have a special email account to give to internet marketers and rarely bother going to that account because they know that all mail is deleted after 30 days anyway.
The latest method on the internet is to follow somebody or become a friend using one or more of the many social sites. My favourite is Twitter where followers can opt in or opt out at will. I hear you screaming: “I’ve held a profile with Twitter, or some other site, for ages and I only have 3 followers - what your saying is more difficult than you make it sound.” My reply is simple: “Look at all the gurus with followings in the tens of thousands: Are you telling me it’s difficult for them?”
The simple answer is to follow the methods used by professionals and you will find an easy answer to any perceived problems. When it comes to mastering something new there are two distinct types of people on this planet, the first takes a look at the problem, attempts it once and then gives up because it’s just too hard. The second takes a look at the problem and will keep trying until a solution is found. It is people in the second group that succeed in any business whether it is online or offline.
Imagine you are selling dog blankets and had 10 or 20 thousand dog owners following you on Twitter and your profit per sale is $20. It isn’t unusual to experience 10% sales rate to people that follow you on Twitter because they see you as a friend. You do the math because I only have ten fingers and ten toes to count on. They will also admire the fact that you don’t pester them with emails.
As a comparison to that figure you can use Google Pay Per Click and spend a lot of cash to get a 1% to 2% response rate - that isn’t sales rate that is just response rate. So why would you ignore getting your own following on a social networking site? They know you’re into doggie things so you won’t get people who are not interested in dogs and that means you have a captive and motivated band of followers. It really is worth finding how the gurus build such a large following; you may surprised at how easy it is.
It all boils down to how high your online profile is and that is where social networking becomes part of the success equation. Having made the point earlier that people prefer to buy from those that they know it follows that if you wish to succeed online you must network like crazy. In the old days online you would give away an eBook or piece of software in exchange for an email address and a name and then you would make offers to people on your list. You’ve probably received countless emails from gurus offering methods to build your list because the “dollars are in the list.” It is probably still true to a certain extent but a great many people have had email addresses abused and inboxes clogged with unwanted mail that these days they have a special email account to give to internet marketers and rarely bother going to that account because they know that all mail is deleted after 30 days anyway.
The latest method on the internet is to follow somebody or become a friend using one or more of the many social sites. My favourite is Twitter where followers can opt in or opt out at will. I hear you screaming: “I’ve held a profile with Twitter, or some other site, for ages and I only have 3 followers - what your saying is more difficult than you make it sound.” My reply is simple: “Look at all the gurus with followings in the tens of thousands: Are you telling me it’s difficult for them?”
The simple answer is to follow the methods used by professionals and you will find an easy answer to any perceived problems. When it comes to mastering something new there are two distinct types of people on this planet, the first takes a look at the problem, attempts it once and then gives up because it’s just too hard. The second takes a look at the problem and will keep trying until a solution is found. It is people in the second group that succeed in any business whether it is online or offline.
Imagine you are selling dog blankets and had 10 or 20 thousand dog owners following you on Twitter and your profit per sale is $20. It isn’t unusual to experience 10% sales rate to people that follow you on Twitter because they see you as a friend. You do the math because I only have ten fingers and ten toes to count on. They will also admire the fact that you don’t pester them with emails.
As a comparison to that figure you can use Google Pay Per Click and spend a lot of cash to get a 1% to 2% response rate - that isn’t sales rate that is just response rate. So why would you ignore getting your own following on a social networking site? They know you’re into doggie things so you won’t get people who are not interested in dogs and that means you have a captive and motivated band of followers. It really is worth finding how the gurus build such a large following; you may surprised at how easy it is.