If you're new to stereos, this article will help answer your questions and make the right purchasing decisions for your needs. You'll find terms and definitions, an overview of different types of stereo systems and a few stereo product reviews. Follow the links below for each topic.
1. What is a Stereo System?
Stereo systems come in many types and sizes but they all have three things in common: (1) Two speakers, (2) a power source (such as a receiver or amplifier) and, (3) a source component for playing music, such as a CD or DVD player. You can buy a stereo system in a pre-packaged system, a mini or shelf system, or as separate components that make up a stereo system.2. How to Select the Right System for Your Needs
Choosing the right stereo system should be determined by your needs, your budget, your interest in music, and your living situation. If you're on a tight budget and live in a small apartment or a dorm, consider a mini system or tabletop stereo system. If you have a passion for music and have the budget and space, consider a stereo component system, which will generally provide the best sound performance.3. Stereo Reviews and Profiles
Often it helps to have some ideas in mind before shopping for a stereo or stereo system. The following links are reviews and profiles of stereo systems and components that have been tested and evaluated in real world conditions. There are many different stereo components and systems available and these are a few of the best.