There are many new and interesting pieces of jewelry on the market today.
Even though there are styles using new metals such as titanium and tungsten carbide, the old classics are still very popular.
Many people choose to purchase silver rings when making their jewelry selection.
Most of these rings are made of sterling silver and can come as plain bands or with stones set in them.
One of the most popular styles of silver rings is the silver engagement ring.
This particular style will include a diamond or cubic zirconium as the stone in the setting.
Silver has a way of making a gemstone's color look more brilliant and clear.
The sterling settings add to the overall enhancement of the stone because it has a lustrous shine.
You can also find many rings that are silver, with other gemstones such as rubies, sapphires, emeralds and onyx.
Sterling silver is also commonly used in combination with turquoise to create designs in the Native American tradition.
Some styles can use pearls as the decorative accent piece.
A pearl setting is generally found in a ring designed for a woman, while the onyx and turquoise can be found in both men's and women's rings.
There are also several designs that are decorative bands.
Some are created to be worn as wedding bands, while others are simply fashion items.
Often you will see silver wedding bands in sets with silver engagement rings.
These will have matching patterns on the design of the man's and woman's ring.
You might also find some band styles that have an inlaid band of jade or onyx around the circumference of the ring.
In the line of silver styles of rings, there are some that are made of pewter rather than sterling silver.
Most of these have Gothic or Celtic designs and are often found in specialty boutiques.
Titanium is also silver in color, so it could be classified in the category of silver rings, although it does not actually contain any amounts of silver in it.
Rings made of silver can be found at any department store or jewelry store and will vary in price according to the amount of silver used and any settings in the ring.
Even though there are styles using new metals such as titanium and tungsten carbide, the old classics are still very popular.
Many people choose to purchase silver rings when making their jewelry selection.
Most of these rings are made of sterling silver and can come as plain bands or with stones set in them.
One of the most popular styles of silver rings is the silver engagement ring.
This particular style will include a diamond or cubic zirconium as the stone in the setting.
Silver has a way of making a gemstone's color look more brilliant and clear.
The sterling settings add to the overall enhancement of the stone because it has a lustrous shine.
You can also find many rings that are silver, with other gemstones such as rubies, sapphires, emeralds and onyx.
Sterling silver is also commonly used in combination with turquoise to create designs in the Native American tradition.
Some styles can use pearls as the decorative accent piece.
A pearl setting is generally found in a ring designed for a woman, while the onyx and turquoise can be found in both men's and women's rings.
There are also several designs that are decorative bands.
Some are created to be worn as wedding bands, while others are simply fashion items.
Often you will see silver wedding bands in sets with silver engagement rings.
These will have matching patterns on the design of the man's and woman's ring.
You might also find some band styles that have an inlaid band of jade or onyx around the circumference of the ring.
In the line of silver styles of rings, there are some that are made of pewter rather than sterling silver.
Most of these have Gothic or Celtic designs and are often found in specialty boutiques.
Titanium is also silver in color, so it could be classified in the category of silver rings, although it does not actually contain any amounts of silver in it.
Rings made of silver can be found at any department store or jewelry store and will vary in price according to the amount of silver used and any settings in the ring.