Brother PT-80P-Touch Labeling system is a handheld labeler designed for portability and convenience.
It is a "Personal Labeler" that easily prints on non-laminated labels in 3/8" and 1/2" wide.
It has 8 different formats, 5 auto formats and 5 framing options and 71 symbols to choose from.
It comes with 1/2 "black on white "M" starter tape.
Brother PT-80P features a 12-character LCD display for easy viewing and raised keys for a more precise input.
It has six type sizes options, nine type styles and a standard font for all labeling.
It can print one to two lines of text with either a frame or underline.
PT-80P has a print speed of 7.
5mm/second and can print nine copies at one time.
Customize your labels with the variety of tape cartridges which allows you to print colorfully.
Why is it necessary to have a "Personal Labeler"? Have you been to a supermarket that has no label marked on their products? of course there's no such place.
Same thing on the personal labeler, if you look in your folder piles, supply room or closet; you'll be surprised to see those prints that you've marked just to keep them organized.
Without further do, you just don't notice that these prints causes too much mess on your piles.
Also, labelers serve as a safety tool or warning in the household, Label everything in the kitchen and put them in their proper place.
This way your children will not dare to play with it (especially if it has poisonous elements or can cause allergy or irritation when exposed) and you can easily determine it.
Proper labeling sets everything on their proper place and it's not impossible with Brother PT-80P- Touch Electronic Labeling System.
It is a "Personal Labeler" that easily prints on non-laminated labels in 3/8" and 1/2" wide.
It has 8 different formats, 5 auto formats and 5 framing options and 71 symbols to choose from.
It comes with 1/2 "black on white "M" starter tape.
Brother PT-80P features a 12-character LCD display for easy viewing and raised keys for a more precise input.
It has six type sizes options, nine type styles and a standard font for all labeling.
It can print one to two lines of text with either a frame or underline.
PT-80P has a print speed of 7.
5mm/second and can print nine copies at one time.
Customize your labels with the variety of tape cartridges which allows you to print colorfully.
Why is it necessary to have a "Personal Labeler"? Have you been to a supermarket that has no label marked on their products? of course there's no such place.
Same thing on the personal labeler, if you look in your folder piles, supply room or closet; you'll be surprised to see those prints that you've marked just to keep them organized.
Without further do, you just don't notice that these prints causes too much mess on your piles.
Also, labelers serve as a safety tool or warning in the household, Label everything in the kitchen and put them in their proper place.
This way your children will not dare to play with it (especially if it has poisonous elements or can cause allergy or irritation when exposed) and you can easily determine it.
Proper labeling sets everything on their proper place and it's not impossible with Brother PT-80P- Touch Electronic Labeling System.