If you purchased insurance of your car, saving on it is has surely crossed your mind many times.
It could be that you are paying high premium on your car insurance.
But don't you know that you can get a better rate from different provider? This is simply because of the rigid competition of the insurance business that was initiated by the Internet.
This enable online shoppers to review their policies, shop for lower insurance rates and compare quotes.
However, a lot people do not normally shop around for new insurance frequently.
Hence, they are not aware that they can actually save money on their insurance premiums.
In fact, it is possible that one can save money by lowering their premium by substantial percentage.
Here are simple tips on on how to save money on you car insurance: 1.
Shop online.
You can find several websites that offer quotes online from different insurance companies.
Just fill up the form with the information about your car, the type of coverage you need, where you live.
After which you will get your quote.
Even though shopping auto insurance online may eventually save you time and money, you can also contact an insurance agent so you can establish a friendly relationship with your provider.
In this manner you can get your online quote and talk to your agent to check for better quote or check the one you already got.
Check for possible discounts you qualify for.
There are several ways you can get discounts: a) Purchasing home and car insurance from the same provider can save a lot of money by reducing your premium.
Aside from that, it also makes life more convenient and easier because you wil pay two policies in one bill and dealing with one provider in case of claims.
b) Check if you are eligible for a renewal discount.
You are eligible for this type of discount if you have been to the same provider for quiet some time, especially if you haven't been implicated in any accident during these specific years.
Normally this type of discount are good motivation for customers to stay with the same insurer.
c) Another type of discounts is auto safety features.
You may be eligible for this type of discount i f you buy your car with anti-lock brakes or automatic seat belts and airbags.
d) If you are a member of a group, college sororities, credit unions, professional organizations, you are also eligible for lower insurance premium.
e) Ask for higher deductible.
This is so because increasing your deductibles covers you from losses as well decreases your premium.
f) Maintain a clean driving record.
It is very necessary for you to keep a clean driving history, whether you are a newbie or a professional driver, to lower your premium.
An accident or tickets may increase your rate considerably.
But if you have a clean driving record for 3 to 6 years, you are likely get discount.
These and more are simple tips to save on your car insurance.
The insurance industry is dynamic and insurance companies come out with new products and new discounts very often.
So, chances are you will get a better quote by your agent if you ask about a better rate.
It could be that you are paying high premium on your car insurance.
But don't you know that you can get a better rate from different provider? This is simply because of the rigid competition of the insurance business that was initiated by the Internet.
This enable online shoppers to review their policies, shop for lower insurance rates and compare quotes.
However, a lot people do not normally shop around for new insurance frequently.
Hence, they are not aware that they can actually save money on their insurance premiums.
In fact, it is possible that one can save money by lowering their premium by substantial percentage.
Here are simple tips on on how to save money on you car insurance: 1.
Shop online.
You can find several websites that offer quotes online from different insurance companies.
Just fill up the form with the information about your car, the type of coverage you need, where you live.
After which you will get your quote.
Even though shopping auto insurance online may eventually save you time and money, you can also contact an insurance agent so you can establish a friendly relationship with your provider.
In this manner you can get your online quote and talk to your agent to check for better quote or check the one you already got.
Check for possible discounts you qualify for.
There are several ways you can get discounts: a) Purchasing home and car insurance from the same provider can save a lot of money by reducing your premium.
Aside from that, it also makes life more convenient and easier because you wil pay two policies in one bill and dealing with one provider in case of claims.
b) Check if you are eligible for a renewal discount.
You are eligible for this type of discount if you have been to the same provider for quiet some time, especially if you haven't been implicated in any accident during these specific years.
Normally this type of discount are good motivation for customers to stay with the same insurer.
c) Another type of discounts is auto safety features.
You may be eligible for this type of discount i f you buy your car with anti-lock brakes or automatic seat belts and airbags.
d) If you are a member of a group, college sororities, credit unions, professional organizations, you are also eligible for lower insurance premium.
e) Ask for higher deductible.
This is so because increasing your deductibles covers you from losses as well decreases your premium.
f) Maintain a clean driving record.
It is very necessary for you to keep a clean driving history, whether you are a newbie or a professional driver, to lower your premium.
An accident or tickets may increase your rate considerably.
But if you have a clean driving record for 3 to 6 years, you are likely get discount.
These and more are simple tips to save on your car insurance.
The insurance industry is dynamic and insurance companies come out with new products and new discounts very often.
So, chances are you will get a better quote by your agent if you ask about a better rate.