What is this man on, I hear you say, but think about it...
We see in the media all about a high street bank that is shedding several thousands of British jobs so as to in effect raise their profit margins and generate ever bigger bonuses for the fat cats ( sorry, by now the financially obese cats ) at the top.
Meanwhile we, the poor old customer, the people who lend the banks our money to create this wealth not only get the pleasure of having to sit on the phone for hours at premium rates to merely ask why our accounts are being so shabbily handled, but we also have to pay through our taxes for the poor bank workers at the coal face who are being wiped away onto benefits like something off the bottom of a shoe.
But low, what do our democratically elected leaders, those demigods in Westminster who hold the power and purse strings do?
Do they stand tall, slamming fist to desk whilst venting verbal thunder upon these modern day Dick Turpin's in Armani tights?
Do they send out a decree that such extracting of the urine isn't going to wash on this manor chummy?
Do they this? Do they that? Do they heck!
Huddled warm and snug in their expense accounts and wall to wall pension cover they simply check the calendar for that reddened square that marks polling day and bolstered by finding it a good page turn or two away they merely search for a passing camera to offer a furrowed brow and quivering lip for any eligible voters eye to catch.
So why do our chosen ones allow this blatant financial greed and gluttony?
"Never was so much taken by so few from so many?"
That sounds a familiar quote who said that?
Anyway, why is it allowed to happen?
We hear tales in the nature of "You have to pay to keep the best!"
But if these are the best then heaven only knows what the worst would be like.
Our political brethren are awash with opaque phrases like..
- "They don't work for that part of the bank?"
- "They are in investment banking", inferring that the real rot lays elsewhere?
- "They will only up and move to America!"
One loses track of the absolute drivel that is spouted as justification for why these greedy "Bankers" ( and I use the phrase advisedly) these greedy "Bankers" are allowed to stuff their mattress with the readies as a result of shafting their customers, workers and country with impunity.
Let them go to America I say!
Pay me or my neighbour or some poor soul who has just lost their home or business to the floods just one tenth an average "Bankers" reward to run the industry but with a bit of decency, common sense and an ethic based on the good of society.
Yes I know what you're going to say, the banks won't continue to make blood curdling levels of profit by the minute, but the poor working Joe and his family would at least get a fair return for their hard earned buck and whilst not advocating an open door to financial communism some common ground must be available between outright sleazy greed and promoting a system for the common good.
But what has this got to do with our beloved politicians, you are probably asking by now and so rightly dragging me back to the opening title?
Well have you considered that these whacking bonus payments that "Bankers" so eagerly shovel into their "I earned it fair and square" accounts are based on?
They are based on the generation of profits and what do governments like to do with profits, now you're getting the drift of it, they like to TAX them.
The Government, for which you can read politicians, take thumping wedges of tax from the banks after the "Bankers" have taken thumping wedges of bonuses.
Stop the "Bankers" from earning a jumbo jet or two a year and the profits generated from the likes of you and me will drop like a stone and with them the tax revenues which our dear elected ones love to fritter on vote winning and ego enhancing schemes of every hue.
In political terms these taxes must be as enjoyable as money laundering to the criminal fraternity, in essence no blame for the vast generation of greed fired bank wealth can be laid at their door, indeed politicians can with impunity shed a tear and decline a croissant due to the indigestion of worry about these truck loads of money that have been so unfairly gleaned from their beloved electorates hard and lifelong labours.
So do politicians silently support the Bankers Bonus rewards as they in return offer an additional public tax by stealth?
- You be the judge!
Hobson Tarrant
We see in the media all about a high street bank that is shedding several thousands of British jobs so as to in effect raise their profit margins and generate ever bigger bonuses for the fat cats ( sorry, by now the financially obese cats ) at the top.
Meanwhile we, the poor old customer, the people who lend the banks our money to create this wealth not only get the pleasure of having to sit on the phone for hours at premium rates to merely ask why our accounts are being so shabbily handled, but we also have to pay through our taxes for the poor bank workers at the coal face who are being wiped away onto benefits like something off the bottom of a shoe.
But low, what do our democratically elected leaders, those demigods in Westminster who hold the power and purse strings do?
Do they stand tall, slamming fist to desk whilst venting verbal thunder upon these modern day Dick Turpin's in Armani tights?
Do they send out a decree that such extracting of the urine isn't going to wash on this manor chummy?
Do they this? Do they that? Do they heck!
Huddled warm and snug in their expense accounts and wall to wall pension cover they simply check the calendar for that reddened square that marks polling day and bolstered by finding it a good page turn or two away they merely search for a passing camera to offer a furrowed brow and quivering lip for any eligible voters eye to catch.
So why do our chosen ones allow this blatant financial greed and gluttony?
"Never was so much taken by so few from so many?"
That sounds a familiar quote who said that?
Anyway, why is it allowed to happen?
We hear tales in the nature of "You have to pay to keep the best!"
But if these are the best then heaven only knows what the worst would be like.
Our political brethren are awash with opaque phrases like..
- "They don't work for that part of the bank?"
- "They are in investment banking", inferring that the real rot lays elsewhere?
- "They will only up and move to America!"
One loses track of the absolute drivel that is spouted as justification for why these greedy "Bankers" ( and I use the phrase advisedly) these greedy "Bankers" are allowed to stuff their mattress with the readies as a result of shafting their customers, workers and country with impunity.
Let them go to America I say!
Pay me or my neighbour or some poor soul who has just lost their home or business to the floods just one tenth an average "Bankers" reward to run the industry but with a bit of decency, common sense and an ethic based on the good of society.
Yes I know what you're going to say, the banks won't continue to make blood curdling levels of profit by the minute, but the poor working Joe and his family would at least get a fair return for their hard earned buck and whilst not advocating an open door to financial communism some common ground must be available between outright sleazy greed and promoting a system for the common good.
But what has this got to do with our beloved politicians, you are probably asking by now and so rightly dragging me back to the opening title?
Well have you considered that these whacking bonus payments that "Bankers" so eagerly shovel into their "I earned it fair and square" accounts are based on?
They are based on the generation of profits and what do governments like to do with profits, now you're getting the drift of it, they like to TAX them.
The Government, for which you can read politicians, take thumping wedges of tax from the banks after the "Bankers" have taken thumping wedges of bonuses.
Stop the "Bankers" from earning a jumbo jet or two a year and the profits generated from the likes of you and me will drop like a stone and with them the tax revenues which our dear elected ones love to fritter on vote winning and ego enhancing schemes of every hue.
In political terms these taxes must be as enjoyable as money laundering to the criminal fraternity, in essence no blame for the vast generation of greed fired bank wealth can be laid at their door, indeed politicians can with impunity shed a tear and decline a croissant due to the indigestion of worry about these truck loads of money that have been so unfairly gleaned from their beloved electorates hard and lifelong labours.
So do politicians silently support the Bankers Bonus rewards as they in return offer an additional public tax by stealth?
- You be the judge!
Hobson Tarrant