Business & Finance Finance

You Either Have It or You Don’t

Donald Trump is a big sports fan.
In his younger days, he was a stellar baseball player, and he has always been a very good golfer. He has expressed that he wished business was more like sports, because you see results faster.
He added that you can especially see whether someone “has it or not” in sports. He detailed this thought by saying:
“A guy can either hit a baseball or he can’t. He can either make a putt or he can’t. In business, you have to wait a lot longer to find that out.”
I’ve been in many situations in business where I’ve known whether a person has it or not within the first couple of days of meeting them.
Usually, I like to give a person that “doesn’t have it” a chance to prove to me that they do. However, in all my years in business, I have never seen anyone improve to the point where they can succeed. In fact, more often than not, they fail miserably, and the whole process becomes a gigantic waste of time.
These days, I’m a little less patient.
If I see something in someone that I know is going to cause a problem, I’m honest about it with them and will end the relationship on the spot. I’ve gotten to the point where I can tell the amount of time and effort I’m going to have to put into a business relationship to get what I need in return.
If I see that a situation isn’t going to end the way I want it to, I end the relationship.
On the flip side, if I see that someone is going to be worth spending time and energy with, then I will put in as much time with them as I can. I know that, in the long run, almost everyone will come out a winner.
So now that I’ve talked about “having it” or “not having it,” let me quickly explain what “it” is.
“It” is focus.
You can be the hardest working person in the world. You could have a 180 IQ. You could read every book ever written about any topic. But, if you can’t focus on something 100%, you will fail miserably.
I’ve seen it happen time and time again. Just the other day I had to end a business relationship with someone who, while being very personable and very intelligent, had no focus on what he was doing.
Let me simplify it for you: If you’re into archery and you’re aiming at your target, you have to focus on the bull’s eye. If you start looking at the trees or listening to the birds or thinking about what you’re going to have for lunch, your arrow isn’t going to hit the target, no matter how much you practice.
Now, some people just can’t focus. They allow distractions to come into their life and take control. These people may be able to coast through life, but more often than not, they fail.
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