- The ADA provides a guideline for accessible building construction in South Dakota.handicapped sign image by sonya etchison from Fotolia.com
Public buildings constructed in South Dakota must accommodate the physically handicapped. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities states requirements of constructing all entrances and exits for physically handicapped persons. The ADA details provisions regarding accessibility of buildings, such as the construction of doors, number of entrances and parking. - On-premise ramps and graded walkways provide accessibility.ingenieros-03 image by Paco Ayala from Fotolia.com
The ADA requires each public building follow several requirements of accessible entrances. First, each building must have at least one ground floor entrance and exit for the physically handicapped. Second, for every number of accessible entrances, there must be an equal number of accessible exits. Third, every unit leased within a building must have an accessible entrance. Finally, the accessible entrances and exits must be located where the most foot traffic takes place. - The ADA requires public buildings to have accessible doorways.asian business people image by huaxiadragon from Fotolia.com
The ADA states specific requirements for certain types of doors of a public building, such as a revolving door and a gate. First, the building cannot have only revolving doors. There must always be an adjacent accessible door next to the revolving door. Second, the gates must be accessible to the handicapped by being large enough. For instance, ADA requires all doorways to be 32 inches wide and 24 inches long for wheelchair users. - Handicap accessible signs are required under ADA rules and guidelines.handicap parking only sign image by jimcox40 from Fotolia.com
Building and parking signs for the handicapped are required under ADA guidelines. Each sign must have the International Symbol of Accessibility posted on all permanent doors. Parking spaces, loading zones and restrooms must also have posted signs.
Entrances and Exits