Health & Medical Women's Health

Irregularities Of Menstrual

Amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual periods for the duration of a mother continues to breastfeed her baby, who is still quite normal. We will explain the possible causes of primary amenorrhea and secondary to the exclusion of gestation and lactation.
Primary amenorrhea
Primary amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation. This may be accompanied by the presence or absence of secondary sexual characteristics like breast development and hair.
If your daughter is 14 years with normal secondary sexual characteristics, which could well be the late and you can wait a year or two. However, if no menarche at age 16, you need to see a gynecologist. Similarly, if your daughter shows no secondary sexual characteristics, then you should see a gynecologist when she is 14 years old, if still no period. The causes are multi-factorial, but often due to developmental problems.
The causes of amenorrhea are mainly due to a problem in one of three areas:
1. Hypothalamus
2. Pituitary
3. The ovary
Together, they form a functional axis of the endocrine system, which is known as the HPO axis.
1. A. hypothalamic amenorrhea primary reasons:
As we explained earlier, a very important hormone GNRH is secreted in the hypothalamus. This GNRH stimulates the pituitary gonadotropin, which promotes the release of FSH and LH, the ovary, with the risk of menstruation and ovulation. The decrease in GNRH release or absence of menstruation never let happen. When the decrease in the levels of GNRH is congenital, it is called Kallman's syndrome.
Functional hypothalamic amenorrhea snubs GNRH levels, directly cutting the levels of LH and LH. Possible reasons for overeating, under-eating, excessive exercise, emotional stress, depression, stress, physical
1. B. pituitary of primary amenorrhea:
When the pituitary gland does not relieve the gonadotropin response to GNRH release from the hypothalamus, the reason is obvious in this part of the shaft. Pituitary tumors are the most common. Other examples in which the causes are pituitary causes are:
1. Cushing's disease
2. Hypothalamus
3. Craniopharyngioma
4. Germinoma
5. Brain Injury
6. Cranial irradiation
7. Syndrome empty sella
8. Pituitary infarction
9. Hemachromatoses
10. Sarcoidosis
1. C. Then we have another line of amenorrhea, the cause of the ovary:
This is usually due to defective or absent ovarian function. Deformation of the gonads are called gonadal dysgenesis. Some causes are:
1. Turner syndrome X
2. Premature ovarian failure
3. Fragile X pre-mutation
4. Sawyer syndrome
5. Polycystic Ovarian Disease (better known as secondary amenorrhea)
1. D. There are some causes and others do not fall into any category. They are:
2. Hypothyroidism
3. Hyperthyroidism
4. Sarcoidosis
5. Galactosemia
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