If you are already in a home business...
or you have been doing research because you are thinking of starting an internet marketing business or some sort of home based business...
you have probably already heard this statistic...
only 3% of people who start their own home business are successful...
ONLY 3%! So what about the other 97%? To be successful in your own business or any business, for that matter, one key ingredient that most people lack is CONFIDENCE.
The dictionary defines Confidence as: belief in one's own abilities...
and the definition of Belief as: conviction that certain things are true.
To be a success with your own home based business in this struggling economy, it is most definitely essential that you have the utmost assured CONFIDENCE IN YOURSELF.
Yes, confidence, do YOU have that? This is why so many people fail in their home based businesses.
They lack the belief in themselves that they can truly be successful.
Limiting beliefs are usually the culprits that keep many people from being successful in their business adventure.
They limit what we will attempt to do, thus keeping us from the possibility of success and prosperity.
So how do you keep a positive mind set that will help you keep your confidence level on track? For some, this may be an easy transition.
But, for others, the beliefs they hold were not even their own choice...
they were given to them by their parents or other authority figures when they were growing up.
They can be limiting and damaging and they CAN hold a person back.
The first step is to identify the beliefs that may be limiting...
do any of these sound familiar? I'm not smart enough to do that; I don't have enough education; Everyone's out to get me; There's not enough time; There's not enough money; Only the unethical get rich; The world is a hard place...
you get the idea! If your confidence has been diminished by any type of negativity that is in your life...
change it! Stay away from negative, unhappy people...
they can be like poison...
they could be effecting you without you even being aware of it.
We have all been around negative people...
they are everywhere in this glum economy, it's actually hard to avoid them, but you must! Don't let those who are negative influence your thoughts.
They will only put you down and discourage you...
saying that you are crazy for starting your own business and that you CAN'T do this or that.
This expression of denial will only pull you down and make you start to question your own confidence.
Most importantly...
have that trust in yourself that you can do it! Yes, there will be bumps along the way, but you will persevere, because that is what CONFIDENT people do.
or you have been doing research because you are thinking of starting an internet marketing business or some sort of home based business...
you have probably already heard this statistic...
only 3% of people who start their own home business are successful...
ONLY 3%! So what about the other 97%? To be successful in your own business or any business, for that matter, one key ingredient that most people lack is CONFIDENCE.
The dictionary defines Confidence as: belief in one's own abilities...
and the definition of Belief as: conviction that certain things are true.
To be a success with your own home based business in this struggling economy, it is most definitely essential that you have the utmost assured CONFIDENCE IN YOURSELF.
Yes, confidence, do YOU have that? This is why so many people fail in their home based businesses.
They lack the belief in themselves that they can truly be successful.
Limiting beliefs are usually the culprits that keep many people from being successful in their business adventure.
They limit what we will attempt to do, thus keeping us from the possibility of success and prosperity.
So how do you keep a positive mind set that will help you keep your confidence level on track? For some, this may be an easy transition.
But, for others, the beliefs they hold were not even their own choice...
they were given to them by their parents or other authority figures when they were growing up.
They can be limiting and damaging and they CAN hold a person back.
The first step is to identify the beliefs that may be limiting...
do any of these sound familiar? I'm not smart enough to do that; I don't have enough education; Everyone's out to get me; There's not enough time; There's not enough money; Only the unethical get rich; The world is a hard place...
you get the idea! If your confidence has been diminished by any type of negativity that is in your life...
change it! Stay away from negative, unhappy people...
they can be like poison...
they could be effecting you without you even being aware of it.
We have all been around negative people...
they are everywhere in this glum economy, it's actually hard to avoid them, but you must! Don't let those who are negative influence your thoughts.
They will only put you down and discourage you...
saying that you are crazy for starting your own business and that you CAN'T do this or that.
This expression of denial will only pull you down and make you start to question your own confidence.
Most importantly...
have that trust in yourself that you can do it! Yes, there will be bumps along the way, but you will persevere, because that is what CONFIDENT people do.