I've surveyed hundreds of entrepreneurs about what gets in the way of achieving their goals.
The two highest responses are: "I don't have enough time," and "I don't have enough money.
" Now I don't want to seem callous or unsympathetic as I'm sure that many people do really have a lot of things on their plate or may have money troubles.
But the truth is that both of these answers are just a way of saying, "This is not important to me.
" The single greatest revelation you will have this year is: There is always enough money and time for what's important to you.
It's true.
Think of it this way.
If you want something badly enough you will figure out how to make it work.
It's amazing what we rationalize from limiting beliefs, old habits or just a plain lack of self-awareness.
See if any of these "rationalizations" are familiar to you: - You have time for a couple of hours of TV every day but not to read the chapter in your new information product you invested in.
-You will spend $3.
75 a day on Starbucks (which is over $25 a week) but can't spend $24.
95 on an e-book that will help you discover how simple it is to build a team.
- You spend a couple hundred a month on books, CDs and other learning materials but won't set aside $250 to get a virtual assistant to help you with your bookkeeping.
- At the end of a week, you may have invested at least 10 hours surfing the internet for random bits of information but you can't carve out an hour a week to plan your goals and priorities.
- You run out to the store/gym/school every day and spend at least 45 minutes in the car, but you can't find the time to listen to the CDs you get each month.
Are you seeing a theme here? It's all about priorities.
What are you making the priority? Many of us are blindly investing our time and money on the "bright shiny objects" right in front of us or with items that someone said we should be doing that aren't paying off.
This is the fast-track to overwhelm, frustration and going broke.
What works is this: Knowing what your true priorities are and taking action every day to align with those results.
The best way to do that is to get clear about your conscious and unconscious priorities.
You see, your results reveal your priorities.
If you aren't getting the results you want then you aren't focused on the right priorities.
If your goal in 2008 is to increase revenue or results, implement systems, or re-engineer your business so you are working less and making more, then one of your priorities must be to get into a coaching program.
The two highest responses are: "I don't have enough time," and "I don't have enough money.
" Now I don't want to seem callous or unsympathetic as I'm sure that many people do really have a lot of things on their plate or may have money troubles.
But the truth is that both of these answers are just a way of saying, "This is not important to me.
" The single greatest revelation you will have this year is: There is always enough money and time for what's important to you.
It's true.
Think of it this way.
If you want something badly enough you will figure out how to make it work.
It's amazing what we rationalize from limiting beliefs, old habits or just a plain lack of self-awareness.
See if any of these "rationalizations" are familiar to you: - You have time for a couple of hours of TV every day but not to read the chapter in your new information product you invested in.
-You will spend $3.
75 a day on Starbucks (which is over $25 a week) but can't spend $24.
95 on an e-book that will help you discover how simple it is to build a team.
- You spend a couple hundred a month on books, CDs and other learning materials but won't set aside $250 to get a virtual assistant to help you with your bookkeeping.
- At the end of a week, you may have invested at least 10 hours surfing the internet for random bits of information but you can't carve out an hour a week to plan your goals and priorities.
- You run out to the store/gym/school every day and spend at least 45 minutes in the car, but you can't find the time to listen to the CDs you get each month.
Are you seeing a theme here? It's all about priorities.
What are you making the priority? Many of us are blindly investing our time and money on the "bright shiny objects" right in front of us or with items that someone said we should be doing that aren't paying off.
This is the fast-track to overwhelm, frustration and going broke.
What works is this: Knowing what your true priorities are and taking action every day to align with those results.
The best way to do that is to get clear about your conscious and unconscious priorities.
You see, your results reveal your priorities.
If you aren't getting the results you want then you aren't focused on the right priorities.
If your goal in 2008 is to increase revenue or results, implement systems, or re-engineer your business so you are working less and making more, then one of your priorities must be to get into a coaching program.