Hypnotherapy or hypnosis is a great method of healing that has been established for many years.
In some countries, this is also with the blessing of the government and medical health insurance systems.
Hypnosis, in relatively few sessions, was a faster route to getting better from many emotional conditions for which otherwise years of counselling or psychotherapy would be required.
That is, until the late 1990's, where a new kind of healing modality started to take hold.
To be perfectly honest, this new kind of treatment seemed very outlandish.
I remember in 2003 as a hypnotherapist in London seeing my competitors advertising this new genre, and thinking that they were clearly lying and misleading the public with their claims.
You see, in hypnotherapy, the client usually gets partial relief from their issue, with full release from their symptoms being a rare occurrence.
These new genre of practitioners were advertising a complete release from the issue, and in less time than with hypnosis alone.
So naturally, I approached with great caution when I was finally persuaded to try this new way.
And you know what, I found out my competitors were totally truthful; their new methods involving meridian tapping, really did work so thoroughly and efficiently.
So you may well ask why more people have not heard of these advanced methods of emotional freedom.
And the answer is simply that the most popular, easy on the pocket, and easy to do method, EFT, has only properly been around since about 1997, whereas older techniques like psychotherapy and hypnosis have been around for considerably longer.
Anyway, I digress...
The point I am trying to make is that with a meridian tapping technique such as EFT, you are not limited in the number of sessions by budget or any other considerations.
Let me give an example.
Dee came to see me for EFT after she had exhausted her medical insurance plan's number of allowed hypnotherapy sessions.
This was a total of 8 sessions which had not gotten her anywhere as yet.
This is typical of health insurance schemes or government health plans where you can only have so many, and if the problem is not sorted by then, you are left with no support and no more progress forward.
And I also have many clients seeing me for hypnosis who are paying me directly and budget allows only so many sessions.
Even leading up to the ultimate session they can pay for, some can see that they need more and so give up; what is the point, they think, if they will not be able to get the end result they want? However, this is in sharp contrast to my EFT clients.
EFT can be very effectively self-applied, and after a few sessions with me, if budget does not allow further sessions, clients consistently carry on doing EFT on themselves, usually getting astounding results! I still get emails years after seeing a client, telling me how much EFT has helped them, and how much further they achieved emotional freedom even after our sessions.
For example, someone who had come to see me successfully for anxiety wrote to me later to say he used EFT afterwards to help him find a lovely lady with whom he now happily shared his life.
So this is the general picture.
With a passive technique like hypnosis, you are totally dependent on being able to see a practitioner, and so you are limited by that factor.
With an active technique like EFT, you are not at all dependent on a practitioner, and so you can continue to get better and better, achieving even greater results than the tightest budget can allow.
An EFT practitioner can help you with their skill and experience, and this is great.
It also is recommended for some issues where we do not want to work on ourselves and it would be much nicer to have someone there for us.
But, even the most in need of help can help themselves with EFT and do it all by themselves, step by step, if needed.
Now that is empowerment! This is why I prefer a meridian tapping technique whenever possible, because it frees you from any dependency on someone else for your own healing.
It is your healing after all.
In some countries, this is also with the blessing of the government and medical health insurance systems.
Hypnosis, in relatively few sessions, was a faster route to getting better from many emotional conditions for which otherwise years of counselling or psychotherapy would be required.
That is, until the late 1990's, where a new kind of healing modality started to take hold.
To be perfectly honest, this new kind of treatment seemed very outlandish.
I remember in 2003 as a hypnotherapist in London seeing my competitors advertising this new genre, and thinking that they were clearly lying and misleading the public with their claims.
You see, in hypnotherapy, the client usually gets partial relief from their issue, with full release from their symptoms being a rare occurrence.
These new genre of practitioners were advertising a complete release from the issue, and in less time than with hypnosis alone.
So naturally, I approached with great caution when I was finally persuaded to try this new way.
And you know what, I found out my competitors were totally truthful; their new methods involving meridian tapping, really did work so thoroughly and efficiently.
So you may well ask why more people have not heard of these advanced methods of emotional freedom.
And the answer is simply that the most popular, easy on the pocket, and easy to do method, EFT, has only properly been around since about 1997, whereas older techniques like psychotherapy and hypnosis have been around for considerably longer.
Anyway, I digress...
The point I am trying to make is that with a meridian tapping technique such as EFT, you are not limited in the number of sessions by budget or any other considerations.
Let me give an example.
Dee came to see me for EFT after she had exhausted her medical insurance plan's number of allowed hypnotherapy sessions.
This was a total of 8 sessions which had not gotten her anywhere as yet.
This is typical of health insurance schemes or government health plans where you can only have so many, and if the problem is not sorted by then, you are left with no support and no more progress forward.
And I also have many clients seeing me for hypnosis who are paying me directly and budget allows only so many sessions.
Even leading up to the ultimate session they can pay for, some can see that they need more and so give up; what is the point, they think, if they will not be able to get the end result they want? However, this is in sharp contrast to my EFT clients.
EFT can be very effectively self-applied, and after a few sessions with me, if budget does not allow further sessions, clients consistently carry on doing EFT on themselves, usually getting astounding results! I still get emails years after seeing a client, telling me how much EFT has helped them, and how much further they achieved emotional freedom even after our sessions.
For example, someone who had come to see me successfully for anxiety wrote to me later to say he used EFT afterwards to help him find a lovely lady with whom he now happily shared his life.
So this is the general picture.
With a passive technique like hypnosis, you are totally dependent on being able to see a practitioner, and so you are limited by that factor.
With an active technique like EFT, you are not at all dependent on a practitioner, and so you can continue to get better and better, achieving even greater results than the tightest budget can allow.
An EFT practitioner can help you with their skill and experience, and this is great.
It also is recommended for some issues where we do not want to work on ourselves and it would be much nicer to have someone there for us.
But, even the most in need of help can help themselves with EFT and do it all by themselves, step by step, if needed.
Now that is empowerment! This is why I prefer a meridian tapping technique whenever possible, because it frees you from any dependency on someone else for your own healing.
It is your healing after all.