Let's imagine that your business is working well and achieving the results you're expecting.
What could possibly go wrong next? Well - what would happen if you were ill? What would happen if one of your key players suddenly left? What would happen if one of your biggest clients closed their account? What would happen if someone made a major claim against you and/or your business? There are hundreds of "If's and Buts" that could drive you insane if you sat and thought about them all.
But what about if your business plan covered every possible flaw and you had a continuity plan that proved you were in control of even the most unexpected problems? What if you had training and development plans for all your team including leadership and executive skills for you and your top managers? Can you imagine having the perfect communication processes that allowed clear, positive and progressive meetings which motivated and focused everyone in your business?...
What if your sales process worked like clockwork continually bringing in new and additional sales? Just how special would that be? And remember if you start with "the end in mind" and continually work towards getting your business "Fit for Sale" you must get all the right boxes ticked in order to get a maximum return on your investment.
If you can truly say that you can sell your business tomorrow and get the profits that you deserve - How good would that really be? Just to be in that position would be amazing wouldn't it? Maybe you feel you're covered - right from having powerful mission and vision statements to being able to present the A - Z of your successful business to a prospective buyer.
More than likely though you may need some work putting in to get you exactly where you need to be.
So what do you need to do first? If you could go into a book store and buy the perfect toolkit for leading, managing and operating your business...
what would it say? What would it look like and how could you make it so easy that the purchaser could use it to continue running your business successfully? Your "manual" or "blueprint" can be created by breaking your business down into "bite sized" chunks...
You see by creating Your Own Business Blueprint - you will be making sure that you have security, integrity, organisation, a clear snapshot of everything you do for all to see, happy people, increased sales and profits and - PEACE OF MIND..
Now that's worth working towards - isn't it? Best Regards Martin
What could possibly go wrong next? Well - what would happen if you were ill? What would happen if one of your key players suddenly left? What would happen if one of your biggest clients closed their account? What would happen if someone made a major claim against you and/or your business? There are hundreds of "If's and Buts" that could drive you insane if you sat and thought about them all.
But what about if your business plan covered every possible flaw and you had a continuity plan that proved you were in control of even the most unexpected problems? What if you had training and development plans for all your team including leadership and executive skills for you and your top managers? Can you imagine having the perfect communication processes that allowed clear, positive and progressive meetings which motivated and focused everyone in your business?...
What if your sales process worked like clockwork continually bringing in new and additional sales? Just how special would that be? And remember if you start with "the end in mind" and continually work towards getting your business "Fit for Sale" you must get all the right boxes ticked in order to get a maximum return on your investment.
If you can truly say that you can sell your business tomorrow and get the profits that you deserve - How good would that really be? Just to be in that position would be amazing wouldn't it? Maybe you feel you're covered - right from having powerful mission and vision statements to being able to present the A - Z of your successful business to a prospective buyer.
More than likely though you may need some work putting in to get you exactly where you need to be.
So what do you need to do first? If you could go into a book store and buy the perfect toolkit for leading, managing and operating your business...
what would it say? What would it look like and how could you make it so easy that the purchaser could use it to continue running your business successfully? Your "manual" or "blueprint" can be created by breaking your business down into "bite sized" chunks...
You see by creating Your Own Business Blueprint - you will be making sure that you have security, integrity, organisation, a clear snapshot of everything you do for all to see, happy people, increased sales and profits and - PEACE OF MIND..
Now that's worth working towards - isn't it? Best Regards Martin