Believe it or not, it is possible to buy a used travel trailer, in excellent condition, at way under used RV blue book price. Many people believe that buying a new travel trailer is the only way to go, but a used RV can be almost as good as new, for a lot less money.
The current economic pressures give you, as the buyer, a major advantage. An RVis a luxury item and not a necessity, therefore it's usually the first thing to be sold when the owner finds himself in financial difficulties. The rig may even end up being repossessed by the owner's financial institution. That's what turns into a used travel trailer at under used RV blue book.
What happens to these repossessed vehicles? They are sold cheaply at auctions, and this is where you should be looking. You need to find the auctions in your area that are not well publicized. The auctions will be sponsored by a government body, for example, Government auctions, State auctions, or Marshal's auctions.
Sometimes these types of auctions are listed in local classified ads or Craigslist on the internet. Trade magazines or the press may announce the auctions. These are good ways to search for auctions, but it is time consuming, and you may miss a lot of available auctions.
You need an excellent partner that has the resources to find the best auctions for travel trailers in your area. This can only be done through a website that collects and categorizes public and non-public auctions. These sites are dedicated to finding every auction available, and you will be able to specifically search for those close by. They will provide the details of the auction, such as times and places of sales, directions and contact information.
The websites have membership fees, so make sure the one you choose displays auctions relevant to used travel trailers, and that the site is easy to use. It is definitely worth paying the membership fees for a site that will show you where to get RVs well under used RV blue book.
The current economic pressures give you, as the buyer, a major advantage. An RVis a luxury item and not a necessity, therefore it's usually the first thing to be sold when the owner finds himself in financial difficulties. The rig may even end up being repossessed by the owner's financial institution. That's what turns into a used travel trailer at under used RV blue book.
What happens to these repossessed vehicles? They are sold cheaply at auctions, and this is where you should be looking. You need to find the auctions in your area that are not well publicized. The auctions will be sponsored by a government body, for example, Government auctions, State auctions, or Marshal's auctions.
Sometimes these types of auctions are listed in local classified ads or Craigslist on the internet. Trade magazines or the press may announce the auctions. These are good ways to search for auctions, but it is time consuming, and you may miss a lot of available auctions.
You need an excellent partner that has the resources to find the best auctions for travel trailers in your area. This can only be done through a website that collects and categorizes public and non-public auctions. These sites are dedicated to finding every auction available, and you will be able to specifically search for those close by. They will provide the details of the auction, such as times and places of sales, directions and contact information.
The websites have membership fees, so make sure the one you choose displays auctions relevant to used travel trailers, and that the site is easy to use. It is definitely worth paying the membership fees for a site that will show you where to get RVs well under used RV blue book.