We have all heard the year of the dragon, the year of the tiger or even the year of the pig but how about the year of YOU? I am talking about you taking the bull by the horns and deciding on living your life the way that you want.
To finally live by your rules and your agenda, not anyone else.
To fill yourself up and live the life that you have envisioned.
Regardless of what ever is happening around us, people are living the life of their dreams.
They are earning the money they want, they are driving the cars they want, they are living in the house that they want and they and they are doing what ever they want.
How can that be? Well, they decided one day, that whatever they were doing just wasn't working for them and went for it no matter what.
It didn't matter what situation they might be in or if they seemed like there was no hope, they just went for it.
Colonel Sanders was rejected over one thousand times before he finally received a yes.
Walt Disney was rejected over three hundred times before he finally received financing for "The Happiest Place on Earth".
Thomas Edison found one thousand ways for a light bulb to not work before he finally got it right.
Elvis Presley when performing at the Grand Ole Opry that "You ain't goin' nowhere, son.
You ought to go back to driving a truck.
" Now you may be thinking "what does this have to do with me", well they are a few examples of what some people have gone through.
Yes they were famous and yes they achieved but as you can see nothing stopped them even in the face of adversity.
Those people and many more that have either been told they have no talent, are not creative, they are not smart enough or pretty enough all have one thing in common with you and that is they are a person.
A person that has decided to follow there dream and make a difference in what they are focusing on.
Decide today that you will do whatever it takes to live your dream, to fulfill your destiny and to make a difference.
Decide today that you will move forward and do what you want regardless of the circumstances.
A mighty oak tree first began from a tiny seed.
And so you too can become great if you only decide to make this year the year of YOU.
And to end on a quote form Washington Irving ~ "Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them.
To finally live by your rules and your agenda, not anyone else.
To fill yourself up and live the life that you have envisioned.
Regardless of what ever is happening around us, people are living the life of their dreams.
They are earning the money they want, they are driving the cars they want, they are living in the house that they want and they and they are doing what ever they want.
How can that be? Well, they decided one day, that whatever they were doing just wasn't working for them and went for it no matter what.
It didn't matter what situation they might be in or if they seemed like there was no hope, they just went for it.
Colonel Sanders was rejected over one thousand times before he finally received a yes.
Walt Disney was rejected over three hundred times before he finally received financing for "The Happiest Place on Earth".
Thomas Edison found one thousand ways for a light bulb to not work before he finally got it right.
Elvis Presley when performing at the Grand Ole Opry that "You ain't goin' nowhere, son.
You ought to go back to driving a truck.
" Now you may be thinking "what does this have to do with me", well they are a few examples of what some people have gone through.
Yes they were famous and yes they achieved but as you can see nothing stopped them even in the face of adversity.
Those people and many more that have either been told they have no talent, are not creative, they are not smart enough or pretty enough all have one thing in common with you and that is they are a person.
A person that has decided to follow there dream and make a difference in what they are focusing on.
Decide today that you will do whatever it takes to live your dream, to fulfill your destiny and to make a difference.
Decide today that you will move forward and do what you want regardless of the circumstances.
A mighty oak tree first began from a tiny seed.
And so you too can become great if you only decide to make this year the year of YOU.
And to end on a quote form Washington Irving ~ "Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them.