Health & Medical Mental Health

Different Myths About Mental Health In Society

Society has always been apprehensive about patients suffering with mental disorders.
Many people do not even understand the meaning of mental illness.
There are several myths and misconception prevalent among people that are detrimental to the society.
It is important to get these stigmas cleared from the minds of people so as to ensure a better treatment and care for mentally ill individuals.
Myth 1: Mental illness is a permanent situation that is impossible to cure.
Fact: With the advancements in the fields of medicine, it is now possible to cure mental illness completely.
However, the best way to cure mental illness is the support, care, love and affection shown by near and dear.
People with mental illness can lead an active and productive life.
Myth 2: Nobody can do anything for someone with mental health needs.
Fact: Mentally ill persons do require the assistance of a person in the initial periods of the illness.
However, these people are very easy to communicate with.
They can be efficiently trained so that they can handle themselves.
It is important to promote the inner strengths of an individual and promote good mental health.
One should avoid labeling people as "cracked minds".
Mentally ill patients should be treated with respect and dignity.
Mentally ill people become difficult to cure when the society shows discrimination against them in various aspects of life including housing, employment, and education.
Myth 3: People with mental illness are violent and unpredictable Fact: Aggressive behavior in people with mental disorder is not at all different from a normal individual.
In general case, it is almost impossible to distinguish between a mentally ill patient and a mentally fit person.
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